That’s really cute. 9.83/10 meme.
Portals do not work that way!
Yeah they need grey or white walls
Walls painted with moon stone, to be precise
The slow grooming of the Player teaching them about the moon powder followed by the game ending where you shoot the moon is a big fat core memory for me. I still get goosebumps. I’m not a hardcore gamer but it felt so awesome.
Dude I’m stupid and didn’t really pay attention to the moon dust stuff, but it’s ok because that game is so good, they frame that scene so well and have the moon just visible over GladOS’s shoulder (so to speak), I still realized exactly what I needed to do. Probably one of my favorite “ah-ha” moments in gaming.
Seriously, maybe crack open a science book?
Check out the portal police over here.
I have a large P.P. on my official jacket!
Red chicky has moondust all over her back, making it serve as a portal conductor.
Excellent reference. One of my favorite lines.
Despite her disgust, she is holding a mirror so he can check his own ass out. He likes what he sees.
He has become loyal.
Plot twist: He is looking at himself.
The original mene has got it all wrong. From mere appearance that guy could score higher than both of these, which explains his compulsory action.(At the time… Appearances change and socially acceptable behaviour has changed in the meantime). He’s trying to break out of the chains.
Unless he’s working in some job that isn’t “respectable”. In that case GF is taking advantage of him until she gets bored. I know plenty of these relationships…
Anyway. Everyone looks the same now, so being dumb and pretty isn’t really appealling.
There’s so many layers to this meme. I wonder if historians or algorithms will investigate it in 100 years
what is bro talking about
The actual story this meme is from ends with both girls dating, then kidnapping and torturing the guy. It’s pretty fucked up.
What!? I remember the girls getting married and the guy being sad, but not kidnapping or torture.
Yeah I think they duct tape him or something.
It’s been awhile though.Guys these are all stock photos
The actual “story” is that photoshoots for stock photos do a lot of random scenarios at once with given actors.
There’s photos of the two women getting together and conspiring against the guy. There’s also photos where he’s visibly in a relationship with the other girl instead.
I member the first time I did coke. Sure I MEMBA!!! It was fantastic!!