I think it’s like “say silk five times, what do cows drink HAHA YOU ABSOLUTE BUFFOON YOU SAID MILK HAHAHAHAHA oh right calves exist never mind”
Wait, this isn’t shirtsthatgohard
but you’re a long low reptile
It’s when like, you grow food and stuff
The joke there was that Hitler was rejected from art school before turning to a life of war crimes.
I hate the person, but that part was pretty funny.
Like learning Thai!
There was one, we voted by hollering into the thread when it came up.
No, it’s a sombrero
Oh! You go ahead. I’m shy.
Oh shoot you’re right. I’m gonna try that real quick.
Edit: it didn’t work
Tweet by pj evans:
Cars have windows and can move. Houses have windows but can’t move. So it’s not the windows that make the car go, it’s something else entirely
Reply by gelledegg:
this is what ancient philosophy is like
Reply by airyairyaucontraire:
Diogenes driving a mobile home into the symposium to ruin Plato’s day.
What was the one about the car, windows don’t make the car go
Not being able to relate classical mythology to modern fiction is my David’s Swimmingpool.
I seriously think about this a lot
Voat (something I used before I realized it was just a racism thing (I know, I know, it’s very obvious in retrospect)) would point you at an existing post if you posted the same link.
The execution was bad, and I have some issues with the concept, but it did make me think maybe there is a solution to that particular problem.