So potentially a life sentence in a mental facility. That’s far better than life in a federal prison. Glad the authorities had the sense to not just throw this kid in the slammer.
So potentially a life sentence in a mental facility. That’s far better than life in a federal prison. Glad the authorities had the sense to not just throw this kid in the slammer.
There’s only one example I can think of where this isnt the case. I don’t remember the whole story but I saw a YT video about this kid who got arrested for hacking Rockstar games. He ended up getting arrested and while in federal custody in some hotel room, he successfully hacked them again with a fucking amazon fire stick. After that he told the judge that we had no intention of stopping. Being under the age of 18, I don’t think he really had any harsh consequences but good for him, that legend.
Edit: so he was 18 during the second hack. And GOT A LIFE FUCKING SENTENCE?!?!?!
There’s only one example I can think of where this isnt the case. I don’t remember the whole story but I saw a YT video about this kid who got arrested for hacking Rockstar games. He ended up getting arrested and while in federal custody in some hotel room, he successfully hacked them again with a fucking amazon fire stick. After that he told the judge that we had no intention of stopping. Being under the age of 18, I don’t think he really had any harsh consequences but good for him, that legend.
Edit: so he was 18 during the second hack.
This may sounds nuts but i have a simple formula I like to follow. A Coke with no ice but still cold or a Pepsi with ice. A Pepsi without ice or a coke with ice tastes different.
At least not until that civilization ending gamma ray burst thats been traveling for millions of years lazers the fuck out of our atmosphere without warning.
Hand jobs are a no go, unfortunately.
IMO there’s certainly nothing wrong with going on reddit. There’s still stuff there but it’s just not the same and it’s not for me. They don’t respect their users at all and I’m just not going to give them anymore of my time.
I haven’t been here all that long butI think Lemmy is growing and real growth takes years. It seemed like reddit was this little secret for the first few years, then BOOM! Massive growth and it was a slow decline after that. Lemmy is on the upswing and with any luck, this place won’t fall into the same pitfalls ar reddit.
“SiR, tHiS iS a wEnDyS!” tips fedora
Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
I left the day they made the switch and, after 12 years as a daily user, i haven’t logged into my account since. Because of Lemmy, don’t miss it one bit. The only reason I ever see reddit posts is when they happen to show up in any of my DDG searches. Usually, they show up when I’m trying to seach for info flabout a game or mods, at which point my reddit usage is purely utilitarian. I dont login and i no longer use it as any source of entertainment or online social interactions.
Lemmy reminds me of very early Reddit, which is unrecognizable in its current state. After years of stupid decisions, the overwhelming barrage of adds, trackers and corperate greed, the reddit I found so engaging and entertaining was lost years ago. My exit was just an acknowledgement of that truth.
I have a mailman joke but the delivery is bad.
That’s really cute. 9.83/10 meme.
Aaaand here we go again with the “that water may be vodka” strawman bullshit argument. You people cant even go 5 fucking minutes without bringing that out front and center because it’s the only leg you can stand on.
I miss those days of being 18, smoking some shitty weed on the couch and settling in for a new episode of ATHF. And after 20 more spirit journey formation anniversaries later, the weed has gotten much better but not AS or TV in general. That was the golden area. I dont think I’ve ever been as excited to watch a movie at the theaters since the ATHF movie. What a masterpiece.
It will be a hard fought war because everyone is wearing camo by default. Large scale battles would turn into sharing recipes on the best way to smoke a trout, this years corn harvest, last years deer season and by the end of the night, everyone will have plans together for the following weekend. They would be borrowing each other’s power tools within the first thirty minutes.
It’s because we are still in the preperation phase along the boarder. Soon your land will be our land. We will launch cheese and brats across the boarder striking critical barbecue pits the likes of which the world has never seen while simultaneously blocking the boarder of all you PBR supply lines. You’ve been warned.
And it made about as much sense as having a pissing section in a public pool.
I remember in the early-mid 90’s going to pizza hut with my family to cash in one of those sweet book club free pizza stamps and the smoking section always being packed with other families. The other kids would be playing and having a fun time while all the adults enjoyed their refreshing delicious cigarettes while everyone ate. There was no real, “smoking or non-smoking” section. It’s was a smoke filled restaurant with the option to sit shoulder to shoulder with someone smoking a cig or being a few feet away from said smokers.