If you want to scrap more you can but I left it alone after I got a decent amount as I didn’t want to spam the server with too many requests.
https://codeberg.org/257m/qdbscrap/ is the web scraper and here is the link to source: https://codeberg.org/257m/qdbscrap/src/branch/main/fortunes. If you want it precompiled: https://codeberg.org/257m/qdbscrap/src/branch/main/fortunes.dat
I scraped it off an archive but I will post a download link once I am on my desktop.
I have 1000s of these bash.org quotes in a fortune file.
The main problem is its different from the main POSIX style shells. Just makes it very confusing to use with its own proprietary functions and commands.
That is a dangerous opinion. In my mind, Microsoft has made zero good products.
Actually its zsh but yeah nothing special.
I wish I could by train to work. I honestly wouldn’t even mind the noise if I had the option to take a train. I bring my noise cancelling headphones everywhere so I doubt I would even hear it.
I mean I used tools like UltimMC to get around having to make a minecraft account. UltimMC doesn’t provide the games themselves, that is downloaded from mojang’s website, UltimMC simply provides a way to get around basic DRM.
Most of the time, the tools I use to pirate are open source themselves so that isn’t really a problem for me.
May I recommend “w3m”? Its an awesome text based browser. It even supports images if your not running in a pure tty.
Well its a good thing I don’t eat pork.
Does the white vinegar ruin the taste?
Well by definition most of us aren’t artists. Artists are a small minority. It would be pretty easy to guess who isn’t an artist by just claiming everyone isn’t except for the people explicitly say they are and it would be like 98 percent true.
Well its a good thing AI works can’t be copyrighted then. I don’t see how this is a a huge problem. Yes its bad to steal but its only stealing when you are making profit off of someone else’s labour. Having these companies have the datasets is the problem not AI but it is not possible to convince them to give it up. You can ban and try to prevent scraping all you want but it won’t stop the companies from using the datasets they already have. Regulation banning profiteering off AI work from datasets gathered without artist consent would be a start but it is hard to enforce. I think we are on the same side here so we don’t really need continue. Have a great day.
Good luck telling multi billion dollar companies to give up their datasets. All you can manage to accomplish is pull up the ladder on newer startups and secure their monopoly. A better solution might be to make AI accessible and free (like llama) so that small artists can take advantage of it and not all the big wigs make all the money. AI is perfectly good tool to speed up artist efficiency.
You pretend like they are dead?
and thats why you always need a backup computer.