I wonder wtf you guys do to your pasta, it’s like the easiest thing to cook… Boil water, add salt, wait for the time written on the box (or just look at it, you’ll see when it’s done).
I don’t think they boil the water. Must be that. No other way I can think why it would stick.
If you don’t stir the pasta adequately after adding it to the pot that can make it stick together. Source: my husband does this all the freaking time.
Your stir at the beginning to ensure that each piece of pasta is properly engulfed by water. But after that there really shouldn’t be much need of stirring, the pasta moves around in the water on its own.
Some bad celebrity chef at some point told Americans that you have to put olive oil in the water to prevent sticking.
Like…no. Just stir it occasionally lol
Stir at the beginning for 45 seconds so that the pasta don’t stick then let the boiling water move the pasta and cook them. Simple.
Half the time written on the box, believe me if you want a perfect “al dente”. Anyway the problem of everybody outside Italy is that they boil the water with the pasta in.
I’ve never oiled my pasta water before. It’s really simple: use the minumum amount of water to fully boil the pasta, salt the water, wait until the water comes to a full boil, then put the pasta in, regular spaghetti takes about 6-7 minutes to become al dente.
Oil the pasta after you strain it is the way you prevent it from sticking together.
If you use the minimum and precise amount of water, water will be completely evaporated when pasta is done, so you won’t have to strain. I don’t know why, but this makes pasta so much tasteful.
It’s saltier because all the salt you added is now on the pasta instead of a bunch starting in the water and going down the drain when you strain it
Yeah but also has like another taste (I don’t salt much)… Maybe starch or something?
I have never once oiled my pasta water. I have also never once had my pasta stick. Just add enough water, boil, salt, pasta. Cook til it’s done, I literally never stir the pasta. Test for texture every so often. Drain, save some water for marrying with the sauce better.
Edit cool -> cook ty autocorrect.
Cooking pasta correctly is an art, but there are some basic rules to follow if you want consistent results.
If you want to avoid this situation in particular, take the pasta out just before it’s done along with about 1/4 cup of the water and add both to your sauce and finish cooking the pasta there. You’ll end up with pasta that is cooked perfectly with a sauce that readily adheres to each noodle and no stickyness
How much is one cup? A big one or a small one? I have several
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It’s really about flavor, not some magic chemistry. The noodles absorb what’s in the water as they cook.
I’ve always done the salt and prob a tablespoon of vegetable oil (yeah I’m a pleb). usually make my own sauce or will add simmered vegetables to a store bought base.
I don’t like vegetable oils if I am using a tomato sauce–I don’t think it goes well together. If I’m doing Mac-n-Cheese, then yes, Otherwise it’s olive oil.
That’s fair
The older I get, the more varied the collection of oils and vinegars I have becomes.
I use apple vinegar to catch fruit flies and white vinegar to keep various laundry items odor free, plus it’s good for the front loading washing machine. I have to say though, cooking with various vinegars is beyond my capabilities.
I’ll tell you what blew my mind and opened a world for me. Please give this a try next time you make rice, with luck it does the same for you.
Use a rice cooker and prepare as normal. Before starting the cycle, add in about a teaspoon of salt and about 2 teaspoons of either rice wine vinegar or cider vinegar. Mix well then cook as usual. Adjust for the stovetop method if you don’t have a rice cooker.
I find that the rice wine vinegar works better, but that the cider vinegar works just fine. You’re going to worry that you put in too much vinegar because you can smell it a little while it’s cooking. But guess what? You didn’t. That little bit of acidity in contrast with the slight sweetness of the rice starch balances out.
I’ve also recently learned of the flavor triangle. You’re meant to balance sweet, salty, and bitter. The recipe above does that for rice.
Last tdbit: my chef friend turned me on to this, and it’s all I use now:
Moral: don’t be afraid of vinegar. Play with it a bit and see what you like.
Amazing answer! I’m going to store it and use it. Thank you.
Oily noodles don’t fuse with the sauce that well. If you want olive oil flavor in your dish, add it after tossing the noodles in the sauce.
Who said oily? A small amount, like a teaspoon, of EVOO in a giant pot and you’re good.
I swear, it doesn’t matter what I try, pasta always sucks. Doesn’t matter if I constantly stir, add oil, anything. It always sticks.
It won’t stick if you pour some olive oil after filtering it. Two liters should do