Where people walk, but also sight lines. Particularly in bedrooms.
Where people walk, but also sight lines. Particularly in bedrooms.
Why do you think they have time to sleep?
One more time, for the commenters in the back!
Can I get a comic credit??
I get that, and I don’t disagree, but my point is that the venn diagram of “shoots up schools” and “shoots up political targets” don’t really overlap. Kids don’t kill people for political reasons, they kill because they’re in pain. Yes, they have a “better” target but that target isn’t causing them active daily suffering.
Assuming it’s school attendants themselves, then they probably don’t have a direct reason to shoot up anywhere but their school. Maybe their home. Their school is probably the thing that’s causing them direct issues in their life, it’s where their anger is aimed, and people don’t often consider better options when they’re that level of angry. I just don’t really see these two things having enough overlap for that to be a thing.
Obviously, it’s a very different scenario when it’s not someone who’s enrolled at the school. That’s a level of dysfunction that I can’t even begin to look at the world through the lens of. I don’t think that kind of dysfunction is the one to take suggestions of better places to shoot up, though.
To be fair, aren’t almost all school shootings done by attendants of the school? At least all the ones that have stuck in my brain are ones committed by current or previous students of the school they shot. And I can’t think of how to verify that either way this morning. In those cases, though, it’s probably not entirely political, but personal.
Counterpoint. Yes, it’s anecdotal, but the biggest success my mother has had in kicking her cigarette habit has been identifying herself as a non-smoker. She did that before cutting back at all, and now she’s from 35/day to 6. Every other attempt, she’s identified as a smoker trying to quit, and it’s failed.
Same theory - let them identify as what they want to be. Once they identify as such, the behavior will follow easier than if they’re saying “I’m trying to be an ally”.
And your denying them any openness and acceptance as someone actively trying to become better, even in the smallest of steps, is denying said people reason to grow. Shit doesn’t happen overnight.
Part of it may be identifying as an ally as a first step. If you internaliz “I am an ally” your future actions will probably more align with that identity. People like to be true to themselves, let them identify as good things without gatekeeping it.
I hope they take this advice instead of the “obviously run” advice below… There’s nothing inherently wrong with having a limited diet.
Etymology nerd on YouTube has a video on this! It’s basically how we put people in our phones now, such as Alex (neighbor) and Alex (work), two names I actually have saved in my phone. They’re more based on relationship than occupation now.
Edit: (neighbor) not (phone)
To me it’s more to do with mentality. Most of the people earning that much are completely full of themselves, “I’m a problem solver I get things DONE” kinds of people. To have them come to someone they probably don’t see as such for a task that is imminently solvable by just looking at the screen for 30 seconds, or typing a quick search is at best off-putting.
Wow, bigoted much?
Please. I’d rather not learn anything sexual about a person.
What in the useless statistics Batman? So because a large percentage of people who identify as furries have viewed (not actively view, not prefer, quite simply have viewed) furry pornography, the entire furry community must be a sex thing? That misses more than a few possibilities. Fuck, I’ve seen gay porn, and I’m not gay. As far as “learning something sexual about someone”, unless you’re calling learning someone has a fursona learning something sexual about them, this whole thing is a non-sequiter based entirely on anecdotal experience.
I don’t understand them. I doubt I ever will. But I know I do not hate them. They’re doing nothing wrong, hurting no one, leave em be. Simple.
No problem, friend. Certainly not the first thing my mind goes to when I consider eating my date :p
Ass eczema must be miserable
Killing in the Name is the right answer, I feel.