Climate impact by energy type in Europe can be monitored live on this site.
Climate impact by energy type in Europe can be monitored live on this site.
Your stir at the beginning to ensure that each piece of pasta is properly engulfed by water. But after that there really shouldn’t be much need of stirring, the pasta moves around in the water on its own.
Because of how Ireland is situated in relation to the Atlantic polar fronts. UK is basically blocked by Ireland with regards to those, so it doesn’t benefit from them in the same way.
It isn’t necessarily wrong, it’s just two different metrics meant to measure two different concepts.
It has been established that the earliest recorded recipes of fries are French.
Some native dishes transferred to other countries are surprisingly faithful.
Also my comment was a joke as well based on exactly the same premise as your joke. I think my joke is funnier considering how you didn’t even get that, despite you making the exact same joke.
Yeah, but that is the exact opposite of what you were saying in your OP.
The dish that Americans call beef stroganoff has very little in common with the French boeuf stroganoff.
Don’t forget the Spanish Flu (which hit 90s babies especially hard, since it was more lethal for younger people).
I don’t think I get your argument. Poor countries are much more prone to war, unrest, famines and all sorts of things contrary to “comfort and stability”.
There is no “modern western strog”. American stroganoff differs greatly from French stroganoff for example.
You very well know that is not what is being talked about here.
Community search function sucks, so browsing all is really the only viable solution to find new communities.
Also often you can find communities you didn’t even think to search for in all, which is probably the most important function on lemmy as long as it lacks so many of the niche communities which thrived on reddit.
Sure, but the company behind TS is in big financial troubles. The raised money definitely doesn’t go into TS itself.
The most surprising thing is that TS actually have enough money to pay for google ads.
I don’t think whoever made this meme knew much about Socrates. I suspect they may have confused him with Diogenes.
That is a pretty ironic comment because that is not what the paradox of tolerance is at all. The paradox of tolerance is that intolerance needs to be suppressed for tolerance to exist, since tolerance can’t exist alongside intolerance.
The paradox is that tolerance needs to be intolerant towards intolerance in order for a tolerant society to exist, literally the exact opposite of what you wrote.
It is problematic though. Having access to information is not the same as using it. We have kinda “outsourced” most of what was considered common knowledge back then. We think we don’t have to remember a lot of “common knowledge” because we can just look it up. But how often do we actually look up that fact instead of just assuming something, even though that information can be accessed immediately?
If you think about it, it is most likely less often than you would have assumed, because it becomes a bother contintually having to look up facts in the middle of something. By having memorised a lot of common knowledge you can immediately incorporate that knowledge into your decisions, as they did back then, instead of having to pause your decisionmaking in order to look something up.
I don’t understand why this guy can be considered a “top journalist” when he has written several panegyrical books about Putin. That there should be enough to undermine all credit this guy has.