Yes we do
I love the little “bad” things about this: the cop wearing shorts, the electric car, … and people looking happy.
Oh no, two same sex couples that are in love and kissing. What a nightmare…
I just noticed that. Everyone is smiling.
A lot of it already exists too. Like if you want to burn a flag in public you’ll have a designated area your permit would allow. Cops wear shorts sometimes. Gay couples exist. Statues of much worse people exist. So much of it is “I’m afraid of people.”
two masc people smooching edit - only just noticed the ladies having a nice time as well! 😃
Michael J Fox stem cells.
I see no public transit
And no bicycles. Or bike lanes.
But you can fuck on park benches so the vision isn’t all bad
I’ll fuck on a park bench right now!
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what are you talking about this is a dystopia the abortion clinic has a sale sign in other words healthcare isn’t free in this image americans cannot conceive of free healthcare even in the “leftist takeover” imaginary scenario also there’s still cars being used for just getting from point a to b literal hell world
Keep in mind a right wingers view of the left is like a Catholic’s view of satanism, agnosticism, and atheism. The assumption isn’t that the left wants fundamentally different things, the assumption is that the left wants different means to the same end, that end being a controlled world view. When right wingers create these things, they tell on themselves. They present what the left wants as simply being fully in opposition to their target audience thinks about. They view left and right as oppositional parties thirsty for control. It doesn’t matter if the reason the left defended Bill Clinton in the 90s was that impeachment should be used to curb illegal behavior, not for personal petty squabbles. That’s how the right uses impeachment trials, so that’s their presumption of what the left uses them for, too.
As for the things the left does want but don’t appear here? These are things the right doesn’t conceive of as being actual aims. No public transit? That’s because they do not care about or think about it
I’m not particularly enamoured with that man and his sheep
Neither are wearing seat belts
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This fucking sucks. The things I want are a lot more radical and creative. And I fucking hate Bill Clinton.
Although having his blowjob immortalized in the city centre would be quite something
My critique of this artist is the most absurd thing he could think of was a statue of Bill Clinton getting a BJ. For real? Like give up. It’s not like a certain party idolizes racists and traitors and has erected statues of them across the US. Oh but they have horses, so they are legit.
The conservative nightmare: people having the freedom to live their lives without hurting others.
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I will never use the designated flag burning area. I’m burning my flags wherever the fuck it please me.
i’ll go to the designated flag burning area
…and NOT burn a flag!that’ll show 'em
Seriously, free speech zones are a mockery of the Constitution.
Unless we are in red flag fire weather, you should be able to burn your flag wherever you please. If we’re in red flag weather, I politely request you, I don’t know, paper shredder the flag?
I never got around to it, but I always wanted to lead a protest of “free speech zones” standing pointedly just outside of one.
I love how they all use the bill Clinton scandal like it was so bad yet trump fucked a hooker in the white house and no one says a word
They hated Bill Clinton because the “scandal” was that he had consensual sex.
Curiously when it came to Trump who had sex with thirteen-year-olds and a long history of sexually assaulting women, suddenly all but a few Republicans cared, including none of those in office.
They said the scandal was that it was consensual not that it was not, so your examples aren’t the opposite.
Though of course the power dynamics in the Clinton case makes the consent a bit iffy.
For most of the population, the notion of non-consensual sex is considered worse than the notion of consensual sex. These days, we’re trying to even teach young adults to engage others opt-in rather than opt-out (e.g. get a yes first).
But yes, this is very recent, with challenges to the criminality of wife-rape as recent as the 1970s (and the presumption that abuse within families was their business and not that of the state or of law-enforcement – that changed in the 1990s!)
So yes, there are folks like Matt Walsh and Tucker Carlson who are literally pro-rape (that is, sex assault should be legal in some circumstances) and pro-child-marriage (Tennessee is trying to create a higher tier of marriage that gets more benefits, excludes gay couples but allows for marrying girl children.) So yes, some Republicans may hold more contempt for Clinton’s consensual proclivities than for Trump’s non-consensual ones.
But more likely it’s because to Republicans, loyalty is more important than principal, and anything can be condoned if someone marches in lockstep and salutes snappily for the transnational white power movement.
And thinking leftists idolize him enough to build a statue of him. Right wingers not knowing the difference between liberals and leftists, again.
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Think a relationship with your superior is ever consensual. Huge power dynamic issues especially when someone’s the president
From Ms. Lewinsky’s position, it was wholly consensual, in that as a nineteen-year-old intern she got to have sex with a POTUS, and Clinton was not too creepy (for the nineties). Her problem was that once the encounter happened, the White House felt the need to distance her from Clinton which affected her career.
The You’re Wrong About podcast did a good beeakdown of it all.
But fucking a hooker is better than getting a blowjob?
That’s not the point they made. It was because he lied. It was because he cheated on his wife. Yet trump full on pays for a hooker and no one gives a fuck. Even Dems voted to impeach Clinton.
Remember when Gore conceded in a too-close-call election because he didn’t want to risk compromising the integrity of the entire federal government by dragging out the fight?
It’s almost cute now
Especially when the left had the whole MeToo thing and would generally criticize the power dynamic these days.
You think MeToo was a left topic???
“Progressive,” yes.
“Seizing the means,” also kinda, yes. Since many of the situations involved bosses exploiting the vulnerabilities of their workers.
You do realize its about sexual harassment, abuse and rape right?
You do realize the right loves those things, right?
Noone in his right mind can think this way honestly???
Absolutely not.
You should be able to burn flags anywhere, not just in a designated area.
Especially that shitty thing blue line flags.
Are you referring to the “New Wave Nazi” flags?
thin blue line is police support flag
It’s the same picture
Its a bootlicker Identification banner
Disagree. You shouldn’t be able to burn flags at gas stations or other places where fire is dangerous.
But what about people with respiratory problems?
All this going on, and would you look at that, the very traditional looking couple in the middle look perfectly fine. In fact, they look pretty happy about life. As does everyone else. The horror.
Edit: zoomed in a little more. I guess their supposed to be angry? I thought the guy was happy at first. Not sure what exactly they have to be angry about, as literally no one is doing anything to them.
The horror indeed. Everybody seems happy. Although I’m concerned that the sheep can’t give proper consent. But if they’ve mastered cloning, maybe that sheep is more sapient and vocal than I’m assuming a sheep to be. Then a gain the simplest explanation is that consent is just a conservative blondspot. I’m also very concerned that there is a certain lack of diversity here, but that’s probably just another natural blindspot for the conservative artist.
You know what else I don’t see in this picture? No homeless. No cops murdering citizens. No children being shot in school. No unregulated, untaxed, and unsafe drugs being sold on street corners. No surveillance on every corner. Obviously no shame about sex, but again I want to know how that sheep is able to consent.
There is nothing in the picture that would suggest an untoward relationship between the sheep and it’s owner. Please get your mind out of the gutter. /s
No no, you don’t understand, things are different to their miserable childhoods and people are happy that they don’t like!
They are the conservative right ofc.
even in a ‘leftist dystopia’, they cant imagine any transportation but cars
I’ll chip in some money for the Bill Clinton statue.
Statue? That’s an animatronic baby!
100% can’t blame him. Monica is a straight dime
regardless, its cheating and he was the president
But… dime tho
good point. i change my mind
Don’t care he was cheating, and the fact he was president is only relevant to explain the imbalance of power. It was immoral because he abused his power; he was a boss who took advantage of his intern.
Sounds like all he needed to do was make her co-president of the united states of america and they could go at it like rabbits.
that too…
The cop should stop the flag burner!
The sausage will end up full of carcinogens.
Due to health protection laws, the flag is made of natural fibers and paints that are non-carcinogenic
No trash, happy people, everyone minding their own business. That must really piss of the conservatives.
central city porn distributors? Honey, we have the internet. Also the government controlled, tax paid, abortion clinic has a sales sign, so it’s still charging even though taxes are paying for it? I mean, I could totally see the US doing this but, leftists would just have the national healthcare system pay for it with the taxes and leave it at that.
Maybe the porn is supposed to be ethical compared to the wild west of the internet (comparatively)
Knowing the people who think like this, they probably imagine that is some sort of mobile lgbtq+ indoctrination center. Remember, any mention of people who are not straight and cis is pornography according to them.
Yeah, I was responding the same as how others are trying to look at it from an actual leftist perspective, but you’re right about the artist’s intent most likely