that’s the craziest part to me! fuckin’ tankies acting like a hyperfascist regime is their ally is bonkers
Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan
I am also, but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff
that’s the craziest part to me! fuckin’ tankies acting like a hyperfascist regime is their ally is bonkers
it’s so much not a stretch that it simply just is. it’s the kinda stretch you get sleeping in a perfectly neutral resting position for 8 hours
they’re fediverse mascots. i’m not sure about the middle two, but the far left one represents Sharkey (a transfriendly misskey fork) and the far right one represents Pleroma (a fediverse platform written by far right chuds that’s been forked into akkoma about it)
i’ve come to believe that something in reddit’s design with the upvotes and the downvotes brings out the worst in people
where are you primarily getting your fediverse access, because that’s not my experience at all
i took a month long hiatus and am probably gonna continue that pattern. the threadiverse has gone completely insane the last couple months and i worry about the people for whom this is their sole gateway into the fediverse, and what they think the consensus on what reality is. i’m mostly on mastodon at this point and have been just… talking to my neighbors more
yeah but for that the corporate dogs that enforce those rules have to feel like enforcing the rules
if mastodon can work for most of the fediverse on ruby, python cal be viable. not to mention how much of the parts of the internet we enjoyed were written in php. claiming python is not suitable for webservices is ultimately kinda wild given how much it gets used for exactly that
I think the issue is that this marketing consultant didn’t build anything. They just prompted an LLM to generate output
Microsoft is still who vetted and hired the contractor and who selected the location.
And yeah. Past CEOs of Microsoft have continued to be shitty. They’re who’s responsible for what’s going on. I just wanted to talk about the ways white knight philanthropy doesn’t help, it just perpetuates colonialism, and Bill Gates+Microsoft have always been in lock step in this regard.
The point is the true villain here is colonialism
So construction waste is a subcategory of industrial waste. Typical industrial waste includes toxic materials like excess cement, fiberglass, bits of plastic from wires and cables. But once the data center is in place, most likely the waste will be e-waste in nature. Think heavy metals, copper, and yet more plastic. And the thing is… This is why they’re putting this data center here. Disposing of this toxic waste will be cheaper because it’s less regulated. The long term cost of high tech industries like this to neo-colonialized communities like this is the communities themselves. It doesn’t matter to Microsoft they’re making the water undrinkable. They don’t have to live there.
And realize, too. Bill Gates’ philanthropic missions aren’t accidents. He may not run the show at Microsoft anymore but he still benefits greatly from their business. His philanthropic efforts aren’t about making the lives of people who are exploited better. They’re about maintaining that cheap form of labor just a little bit longer. And that may not be Bill Gates’ actual intention, but the fact of the matter is he’s a billionaire. He could make much larger changes in the world by not being a billionaire. He has power and influence to do things the rest of us can’t, but instead of treating the illness he treats the symptoms. His actions sustain the system he benefits from
Correction: yes it will. Source: that’s how I installed it
I wonder if its because Beehaw is staying on 18.x while awaiting Sublinks
Lionir is talking about API implementations for everything to go off a single CSS file or a single icon pack. Not about the implementation of your personal desired aesthetic (I refuse to use the term rice, it has origins in racist car and motorcycle culture)
The ad company blocking an ad blocker is totally about security
- Google stans
Hey good news. Turns out you can use bing and not get back Reddit results
They don’t care about traffic. They care about the existing barrel of data for the data models
So. In pornography you’ll have a thumbnail that’s focused on what gets people intrigued to see a model perform, the face. This church is using a thumbnail for their ad that looks SHOCKINGLY like a porn promo thumbnail. Reason being sex sells
all of that is because gender is socially derived. we don’t need to attach any aspect of our personality to our gender, or any of our gender to our personality. given this, we can understand all gender to be either contrived or performative. if gender is performative, we can contrive associations that are positive and hopefully raise a new generation of decently well adjusted men who get us closer to living in a post gender-coded society