Looks at meme, grt a little chuckle at the joke.
Reads Buzz Killingtons first comment, gets sad again.
Hell yeah, bought a Firebird off a friend, the tail lights lit up to say:
with custom JUDAS PRIEST carved into the center console.
last two years I owned it I never changed the oil, just kept adding more, the exhaust would sometimes come through the back speakers, and the driver side door latch would fail sometimes and swing open on right hand turns.
…best car ever
I am 100% sure I know.
…but I ain’t a snitch
Appreciate all the comments, its just a novelty at the moment but if we ever start to use it it would be for reservations only (and incoming only).
bundled in our internet is a landline…so we found a vintage rotary phone and hooked it up. We can receive but not call out. It’s awesome.
Like Thanos and Grimmace had a three way with Barney
John Stewart is returning for 1 Show a week for the election cycle so there is hope!
I get my news from you…un ironically
IN before Cracker Cruncher kicks off the flavor/race wars!!!
Andorra, because: snow!
(also amazing food & people are super nice)
not wirh that attitude
I have traded being a Gringo to being a Guiri…and I’m OK with that (because the few times it was used I defended myself in somewhat passable Spanish and then everything was cool)
that’s amazing!
In before 2 Mil!!!
this statement sums it up nicely. Anecdotally, when I lived in Buenos Aires, every single person was "second generation " Italian…lol
You sound like a leftist Marxist Conservative MAGA commie! Fight me!