nothing hides from WinDirStat
nothing hides from WinDirStat
Wow - grandmaster accessories already!
Is there… Is there a matching blindfold? Asking for a friend.
Congrats Grammaw! Keep on keepin’ on, you beautiful thing you!
What an interesting parallel universe story: Mr. Rogers becomes the ultimate fixer. Rogers will sit you down, offer you a drink, and hear you out. He’ll then put you in touch with one of his “neighbors” to do precisely and expertly do what needs done. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him, maybe you can live in Mister Roger’s neighborhood too.
“… you’re braver than I thought.”
This isn’t exactly a head-of-lettuce issue here, but how long is this ban realistically going to be tolerated? 5 years? 10 years? The quality and availability of meta-meat are only going to go up, and the price is only going to go down relative to traditional meat. I can’t imagine that in 20 years, one generation, that people would tolerate a ban such as this.
“They say he carved that spoon… from a larger spoon”
I see Mean Girls meme, I updoot.
Sounds like all he needed to do was make her co-president of the united states of america and they could go at it like rabbits.
close to freedom. I don’t think we should limit our free speech by having just an area designated for flag burning. Americans should be able to do that wherever they choose.
yeah, that’s some Grinch level shit.
I must be the fun police here, because all I see here is a desire to hurt people that keep companies from putting me in harm’s way.