bidet users in states can feel this meme
Toto makes a handheld battery powered travel bidet, if you didn’t know. Instructions are in Japanese, but you can probably figure it out cuz there are illustrations.
and maybe this is my american ignorance leaking, but a portable bidet sounds hecking gross… but i’ll be a better person and do a bit o research. thanks
It’s just a spray of water, it doesn’t go on or in your butt
i’ve seen the mess my bidet has done … i have ibs y’all… i feel like i’d make a mess of things. i’m scared :P
Okay, that is a very real possibility, I didn’t even think about IBS
Did someone just reinvent the Douche and renamed it?
deleted by creator
My dude, you’re missing out on a world of workplace skiving.
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I shit on company time.
This sentence starts out sounding American and ends up very British.
That is until you work in a kitchen where the chef replaced the light with a heat lamp bulb…I admired and hated him
That’s devious and genius at the same time.
Me wishing there were public bidets in the US and feeling dirty when I use non-bidets in an emergency.
Try wiping Nutella off a carpet and you’ll know my pain.
Jesus Christ, thanks for that mental image dingleberry
The consistency is a variable that depends on your diet. I used to have that problem too, but no more!
Who cares what toilet you poop in? As long as the toilet is clean. A man’s gotta poo when a man’s gotta poo
My body shuts down when I’m out of the house, I literally cannot poop unless it’s either my own toilet, or a very private and clean place somewhere.
yeah it’s the worst. With shy bladder I’m prone to dehydrating myself just so I don’t have to worry about using the bathroom when I’m in public
I work at a small grocery store and I’m astounded by how often people shit in our public bathroom. Our toilet is extemely popular, and as such is always ripe with the robust smell of shit. It’s clear that many of these customers have a routine.
Home shit home
But yea, at least you know how clean your own toilet is and you can sit for hours on end with no one bothering you
Imagine not being paid to shit.
-Posting this from the office bathroom
I haven’t pooped for 3 days
You get the same face when you get instant relief 2 seconds before unlocking your door.
Otoh there’s nothing more manly than pooping in the dirty public washroom
I don’t find it manly
it’s a safe house
If it bothers you this much why not just keep some cleaning wipes in your car or bag or something and you’ll never have to be uncomfortable again.
Shitbreak won’t have a problem shitting at school anymore. Slipped a little something into his Moccachino.
I was once like that, until I started working, now I can shit just about everywhere.