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Diablo 2 was completely remade graphically. Whether it was worth the price is another matter, but effort was put into it.
What, you don’t like watching videos like you’re looking through a keyhole?
Okay, granted, but only using the term “bogged down” adds to the misconception that the problem is too many accounts on the server. It should be clarified that it comes from a deliberate outside source.
They’re a nuisance, but are proving the benefits of a decentralized system more than anything else.
Unless your account is on, you wouldn’t notice it.
This sentence starts out sounding American and ends up very British.
kaimoana (seafood)
TIL Moana’s name means “sea.”
I’m sure it has, but not everyone lives (lived?) in Reddit like you.
It’s not “bogged down,” it’s being DDOS attacked.
I looked it up, and you’re 100% correct - you can tell because there’s a stereotypical limp-wristed hand to the left of Che’s face on that shirt, which you can see in the picture. No duality here, this guy’s just another right-wing asshole.
Didn’t really have a choice if I wanted to use Lemmy!
NASA - National Ah-ronautics and Space Uh-dministration
LASER - Light Ay-mplification by Ztimulated Eh-mission of Radiation
ICE - Eye-mmigration and Sustoms -nforcement (E is silent)
DARE - Drug Ay-buse Resistance -ducation (ditto)
Huh, never thought of that. I would assume flat Earthers would think the sun, moon, and stars are all discs as well.
Not almost, more did than any other state. More people in California also also voted for Biden than any other state!
Nope, it’s rural vs. urban.