Not sure if japes or serious…
He makes some solid arguments … But I’m still not interested
Not sure if japes or serious…
He makes some solid arguments … But I’m still not interested has a legal 24/7 stream if you’re in the usa
just to be a bit of a devil that advocates thingies, i lost my pooch a bit ago and my family asked when they could get me a new pup. i told them i needed time and maybe around my upcoming bday. so, i think if its been discussed in some fashion… i think it okays.
but i do understand the overall point and i don’t disagree - surprise pets tend to be a bad move.
aw shit, story time. i knew a homie that like never cut his beard or styled without his barber. his beard wasnt super full… one day he walked in with this and apparently his barber used semi perm dye… the guys rode him so hard (idgaf but sometimes men are asses)… the next day it was gone.
i often wonder how hard he had to scrub…
bruh, i can’t be the only one confused why state farm’s drive safe app was being touted…
i’ve seen the mess my bidet has done … i have ibs y’all… i feel like i’d make a mess of things. i’m scared :P
and maybe this is my american ignorance leaking, but a portable bidet sounds hecking gross… but i’ll be a better person and do a bit o research. thanks
bidet users in states can feel this meme
I apologize for my ignorance but i did try to figure it out and read… but can i interact with lemmy on friendica and vice versa? i see mastodon should work…but not understanding i guess