It should be left Americano. It’s called that because Americans couldn’t handle the stronger coffee or espresso and wanted it watered down. Weak. “Americano” is kinda insulting by itself. But whatever works for you.
This one is ironic because the macho-mindset of needing to be STRONG and therefor only consuming hard stuff is realy American interpretation of manhood in itself.
It should be left Americano. It’s called that because Americans couldn’t handle the stronger coffee or espresso and wanted it watered down. Weak. “Americano” is kinda insulting by itself. But whatever works for you.
That’s one theory as of why. The other is a lack of coffee supplies during wartime.
This one is ironic because the macho-mindset of needing to be STRONG and therefor only consuming hard stuff is realy American interpretation of manhood in itself.
I used to look down on the Americano, but as I got older I realized sometimes I’m more in the mood for one than espresso or a milky drink.
It’s the same amount of coffee, just in lower concentration. You can also sip on it longer before you run out.
just drink filter coffee
Why? What’s wrong with espresso based drinks?
an americano is supposed to be a facsimile of filter coffee.
At home I do but a lot of places that have great espresso make awful, neglected, drip coffee.
“Go to better places” yeah whatever
Sometimes those cheap less than perfect places are the best place around
It’s not just the product, it’s the atmosphere that matters too
Sometimes the different taste profile is nice