ID: photo of two friends looking at a phone together, laughing, above is text: “Hitting “delete” after reading the first sentence of an entire essay that some bigoted potato took the time to write in my comments.”
cue other bigot that thinks that this makes it an echo chamber
They’re welcome to scream in to the void until they’re blue in the face, I won’t be listening 😂
You sound lonely
And you sound like a bigot who feels personally attacked and is getting defensive… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Removed by mod
You got all that from three words
Lmfao, yeah pretty much… You’re not as complex or special as you like to think you are, just another generic clown… 😂
If empathy means clown for you and being rude is your attitude of socializing. Then yeah, everything I said is true. Keep trying to deny it.
I hate to waste any more time on you, but also I could use a good laugh - please, enlighten us, who is it you are so empathetic towards in this post? 🤔
Stop being simple and predictable then?
I said three words and looks like I was right. I mean who acts this selfish must be very lonely. I hit the nail on the head.
Holy shit, you’re like a walking meme. “I am 14 and this is very deep” energy.
exercising freedom of association makes you lonely
~ insufferable nerds with whom nobody willingly associates, circa 2024
Freedom of being selfishness is not the great value you believe it is.
Incomprehensible, have a nice day
Okay bye, lady storm.
All English words, strung together in a decidedly un-english format.
*selfish. Auto correct added the “ness”. You should be able to read a sentence with a word a bit wrong. I can do that, even though English is my third language. I believe in you to be able to do that as well.
They believed in me! Now, i get to be a REAL boy! Yay! Thank you, kind Internet genius!
Green colourless ideas sleep furiously-ass sentence
you must be a sexy AI lady
Hey, no body shaming.
So, you don’t have a body? She admitted it!
Dude, your sock puppet account is so obvious.
I’m i talking you into circles? Are you getting dizzy? Are you seeing people that aren’t there? lowers voice conspiratorially Is the “sock puppet” in the room with you right now…?
LMAO what???
pfp checks out I guess X3
I’m so glad Voyager added user tagging so I can tag you as “concern troll”
“why don’t you respond to criticism”
depends, if you are banning me for using slurs I wouldn’t think you’re in an echo chamber, even if I was the biggest bigot on this planet, however, people on lemmy have banned me for stating my opinions like “I don’t want to live in an autocracy” or “kamala is still better than trump”
Let me guess, that autocracy is china?
usually russia, but china as well
also just for clarity: I’m an anarchist, I don’t like any state, so pointing out that the US isn’t better doesn’t help the discussion (sorry if you had to read this, I still got traumatized by the stupidity on grad)
Yeah, lots of apologists for hyper authoritarian states here. Long as they aren’t in NATO, they are good, doesn’t matter what they are actually doing.
Removed by mod
On the only hand that matters - ableists get blocked and reported.
Found the bigoted potato
I had to look up what platform let’s you delete other people’s comments. Is this an Instagram joke?
Mod privilege is being able to erase bigots with a click of a button
Also why good moderation is so important
I agree, moderation is important.
How do we keep moderators accountable, so the system continues to function? Is there someone checking them?
The mod log is entirely visible for anyone to view. Anyone can see who we ban and why, comments we remove and why. Posts have been made in the past about mod action that were effective.
One thing I don’t understand yet is what kind of appeal system is intended on Lemmy if one doesn’t want to resort to ban evasion.
Do DMs to instance admins still go through?
I believe so??? Ada’s pretty active on 196 either way. Some people use the report feature on mod comments to get in contact with other mods. If I, for example, was being unfair, reporting me might alert other mods to what I’m doing. I wouldn’t touch a report with me as the subject, but maybe that’s just the good ol autism sensitivity of justice.
Update for DenverCoder9: private messages through Lemmy are not delivered to instance admins when banned site-wide. Best recourse seem to be other means of communication then.
I don’t know, don’t think it matters, just substitute delete for block and it works… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Me on reddit, when op deletes his post and I want to answer to a comment…
That’s fair!
I got excited for a minute and checked if we could do that on Lemmy lol
Yeah, that prospect would get me excited too lol
It wouldn’t be nice if everyone coule delete everyone’s comments and posts, but you can block someone which deletes them from your life and that’s about the same!
Well I was thinking just deleting comments off your own posts. People would probably be less likely to waste their time being nasty. I agree it isn’t worth the drawbacks though when you can just block- my block list is over 200 lol
Ooh that would be swell!
Tumblr used to let you edit other people’s comments. That’s close, right?
No way that’s so funny
Poor John Green. That was wild
I can delete other people’s comments on my tumblr posts
This is good because I am under fucking attack
BlueSky does I think. Perhaps not exactly, but it lets you remove quotes people made on your posts, or something like that.
I thought it was about mods.
Lmao that perspective actually makes it even funnier
No, it’s a secret Jira ad
Can replace it with block button and the meme still works tbh
Honestly I thought it was a “delete my own shitpost” type meme.
I don’t do a whole of of this whole “social media” thing
YouTube? perhaps?
Me seeing “More replies” under my comment that won’t unfold because it’s probably someone I blocked:
See? Bigotry, evil queer-phobic cishets, unnecessarily evil blogs?
- gone - !
Don’t insult potatoes like that!
Is there a way to “shadow delete” a comment or shadow ban a person on lemmy so that they do not know their bigotry is being silenced?
I’m not sure from a mod or admin point of view (while I am a mod in one community as a backup, I’ve not done any moderating myself), but I know that if you block a person on your own account, the only indication they’d have is that you don’t reply.
From what I understand it’s actually quite a difficult issue to address on the fediverse, since content is mirrored on so many instances, deleting or blocking it on one would have very little to no impact on other instances, and obviously ban evasion is much harder to spot, since anyone can open as many accounts on as many instances as they like. I would imagine it makes it really hard to stay on top of shit that comes in, especially the worst things like abusive content containing children.
i’m not convinced that shadow bans are actually beneficial
With federation, not really.
big tate hate failed French & fried rule
Unfunny double layer joke on joke but your meme is pretty
unspecified MtF person: oh you silly billy, unspecified straight onlooker: haven’t heard that in a long time, bigot: absolute scream of rage.
this came into my head when some random time i heard silly billy being used and I’ve been wanting to get it out ever since.
Reminds me of “goof”, which was used endearingly in my family growing up, like “silly goof”. Later, when my circle overlapped with some wannabe gangsters, I find out some considered it one of the worst insults you could give.
deleted by creator