hot crossed bun
hot crossed bun
Dude buy pickle
Fork freaky pickle
Come-on prickule
Donate to the Skrule Net charity for T-officers of the thousandth company and minus eight 'o fourth. Teach the Dems a lesson about supporting authority and rule of law for this DEI victim of terrible policies!
Just flash a ROM with a programmer or more?
It was a gift. It might get homebrew if I get motivated enough to look into it
Quit paying my neo feudal tax to Nintenlords and the shits erased all my games. Fucking thieves rule
It was a recent post here: !
this one specifically:
Post was about this article:
Gibson depicted her as an equal and sometimes teasing companion to men.[5] She was also sexually dominant, for example, literally examining comical little men under a magnifying glass, or, in a breezy manner, crushing them under her feet. Next to the beauty of a Gibson Girl, men often appeared as simpletons or bumblers; and even men with handsome physiques or great wealth alone could not provide satisfaction to her. Gibson illustrated men so captivated by her looks that they would follow her anywhere, attempting to fulfill any desire, even if it was absurd. One memorable drawing shows dumbstruck men following a Gibson Girl’s command to plant a young, leafless tree upside-down, roots in the air, simply because she wanted it that way. Most often, a Gibson Girl appeared single and uncommitted. However, a romance always relieved her boredom. Once married, she was shown deeply frustrated if romantic love had disappeared from her life, but satisfied if socializing with girlfriends or happy when doting on her infant child. In drawings such as these there was no hint at pushing the boundaries of women’s roles; instead they often cemented the long-standing beliefs held by many from the old social orders, rarely depicting the Gibson Girl as taking part in any activity that could be seen as out of the ordinary for a woman.
Is it something more than Lego Bart Simpson and Bender having a kinky CAD flat 'n philips mixed screw?
I apologize if anything I said appears judgemental or degrading. It was intended as I personally view people that are concerned with size like someone handed a fine instrument that is concerned about the recycling value of the metal and wood. Or, someone that compares movies and songs where they focus on brevity as a primary measure of performance benchmark. I will try to avoid the comment in the future
Define only men like
Are we talking hobby scope or like alpha extroverted abusively insecure narcissistic misogynists with very small penis… rule
def rule: what’s egg? thought egg/orb was in-situ like 196
life is kerule
As a wage slave peasant slated for homeless extermination in the USA, left behind due to physical disability caused at the hands of another–only worry about what you can change, greave your losses over time, and be very skeptical of anyone with a cure. If you search hard enough, you will always find someone willing to take money. I found one after 13 neurosurgeons.
At least we can do the dystopia party together here. Hopefully some venture capital billionaire will come down with Long Covid, fund the research, and an extortion free cure will become publicly available.
Unapologetically frame your narrative in the untethered emotional reality of your life experience. If nothing else, it is therapeutic to tell yourself on some level you can be heard. I’ve been in Covid-like isolation for nearly 11 years.
New name for children?
hetero homunculus hi