Green colourless ideas sleep furiously-ass sentence
Furry artist and streamer 🦝 My site:
Green colourless ideas sleep furiously-ass sentence
Do you have any thoughts on this image?
I feel embarrassed to say this, but I straight up have to use reminders to go “hey, talk to X person” and set them up in advance. Because otherwise our chats will just be me going “happy birthday” or “happy new year” and that’s it for the year.
It’s not that my friends aren’t important to me, its just that it never occurs to me naturally to be the one reaching out. Can’t tell if I’m a bad friend or if I just have zero object permanence for people lmao
Bark bark bark
I’ve never gotten shit from people for having a strong work/life balance and boundaries. Unless you’re being really dickish and combative when you’re communicating boundaries, most people are not going to give you grief about them.
This is why I don’t like decimal notation lol
makes it way clearer what is going on.
I’m sorry that you’ve been mobbed for sharing this view. That’s shitty.
I feel like ableism, especially against people with intellectual and personality disability, is the one sphere where nobody seems to take the objections of the targeted group seriously, and simultaneously dismiss people speaking up for the targeted group for being “virtue signalers” or as whiners. So it’s like the only solution is to just not say anything.
(Tangential but I have similar feelings about people calling others narcissists and attacking them for it, though I don’t feel like that is going to change anytime soon. Still, if the person targeted is actually a narcissist, then I feel like it’s bad to attack them for a diagnosis and symptoms they have no control over. And if they aren’t actually a narcissist, then why further stigmatize people with narcissism? It’s more complicated than the r-slur since abuse by narcissists happens and victims shouldn’t feel restricted from sharing their experiences accurately, but similar in how it’s disproportionately used to disparage and nobody takes objections to that usage seriously.)
My conspiracy theory is that the writers had an idea for their own show, but execs made them slap on the Foundation label for notoriety. Because the parts that aren’t in the books, like the Genetic Dynasty, are great – probably the best parts. It feels like that was the actual story here, then everything else had to be put in after the fact to justify the universe they put it in.
I stopped watching after season 1 because the “special powers held by individuals” angle felt like a slap in the face to the theme of the books. Apparently season 2 is better but I’m still a lil bitter so I don’t think I can do it lol
I thought thats what’s you’re supposed to do. Wrap the blade in the wax wrap it came in, then break it up by bending it in the wax before throwing it away in the trash (still in the wax).
Cheers, thanks for the link!
My confusion is more “why gloves in particular?” Couldn’t this have been used for cloth making in general?
I don’t know what this item is called, so I can’t look up its size. Is it too big to be used for cloth making at all?
I was going to say, this looks very similar to knitting circles that are available today (I use them all the time). Those knobs and holes make me immediately think that this is used for fibre or knot work of some kind. Rope seems understandable, but I can’t tell from the picture if that is made from metal or clay. No issues if it was metal, but I would figure that clay wouldn’t hold up to the rope pulling and pressing against it in any intensive application.
I am curious as to why OP decided this is unlikely to be used for “knitting gloves”. The Romans may not have practiced knitting as we understand it now since that came about in the middle ages, but knitting isn’t the only form of knotwork that can produce cloth.
They’re also useful for separating multiple lists when using a comma would make it look like an item is an extended list.
So let’s say I want to express:
"My contacts are:
Jessica, Cook (as in a job title, not a name)
James, MD (as in the professional certification, not the name ‘MD’)
Doug, ABC (maybe to show that Doug works at ABC)"
If I said:
“My contacts are Jessica, Cook, James, MD, Doug, ABC.”
There’s no clear indication of what is a list member and what is a new list. But this:
“My contacts are Jessica, Cook; James, MD; Doug, ABC.”
is a bit clearer. (There are probably better examples but I’m shooting from the hip here lol)
I agree with the sentiment of this post, but these numbers are silly.
$150m would barely build a bus fleet transit system, nevermind the maintenance, operating, and personnel costs for the fleet (and completely forget about actual long term transit solutions like rail at that cost figure).
And $1b stadiums are outliers – our city got into controversy over our stadium which costed around $250m. Not many municipalities are loaded enough to be getting into billion dollar capital expenditure decisions.
Pretty much yes. The only one I’m not 100% on (besides the scout skin, since that was after I stopped playing) is the engineer prosthetic. I feel like that weapon came out a while after TF2 was made (but I can’t check that right now so don’t take my word for it).
Generally speaking, you will be asked to swear or affirm that you are going to tell the truth, and that you understand the consequences of not telling the truth. Whether you do a whole ceremony about it or not, it doesn’t really matter – but the court will want to know that you are competent to testify truthfully and that you know that you’re not allowed to testify to things you know aren’t true.
If you’re asking “can you be forced to testify?”, the answer is “Yes but it depends.” If you’re competent to testify and the officers of the court deem your testimony important, they can subpoena your testimony. If you have a reason to contest it, you can – but “I don’t want to” isn’t good enough.
I believe in Friends, it’s justified as Monika pretending that her grandmother is living there so she still gets her rent controlled tenancy agreement. I thought I remembered that there was an episode where she and the custodian were having a fight so he threatened to reveal the grandma isn’t alive anymore so that Monika would have renegotiate the agreement (and it was resolved so he didn’t do that.)
As for Joey and Chandler’s apartment, no clue how that one happened lol