Do people really like a butt like hers? It looks way to big imo. But then again, I’m a girl.
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Yea, she looks way better, face and butt haha
If it’s real, sure. But this one looks fake, which is comically tasteless.
I do. I can not lie. It’s not just the size though, the shape has to look good and big doesn’t always mean shapely.
If you guys don’t like it, I’ll have it
They toss it, and leave it. And I pull up quick to retrieve it.
Sure go ahead lol
At a certain point it just looks like they have a poopy diaper
Lol yea
Yeah, for sure! I, for one, am a student of Sir Mix-A-Lot.
Reported inflation looking fine
As long as your happy.
Sir Mixalot looking at the price of groceries and this, feeling super conflicted
I like cheap bread and I cannot lie
Grocery prices can’t deny
Either way, there’s no way it’s natural.
These are both much better than inflation
That is some big-ass inflation we’re having
My first thought was Latin America but according to the patch it’s Israel.
It’s two pictures combined. The left is Israel, and the right is Latin America
I agree they’re two combined pictures, but I don’t think the picture on the right is from Latin America.
You can see her shirt says “POLICE” in English. Wouldn’t a cop from Latin America have it written in Spanish?
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It doesn’t look like 2 pictures to me, and the right one looks israeli to me ass well
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This is literally Argentina with let’s say “creative” bookkeeping
IIRC inflation is the devaluation of the dollar and the laymen “inflation” people commonly talk about is the CPI, which is the actual price of goods and services (I.E. this is what you are actually paying, rather than how much power the dollar has overall). I could be wrong but it is an important distinction because it tells us exactly how F*ed we’re getting by companies and corporations.
TL;DR: Bugles cost way to friggin much now >:(
In economics, inflation is an increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy.
The common measure of inflation is the inflation rate, the annualized percentage change in a general price index. As prices faced by households do not all increase at the same rate, the consumer price index (CPI) is often used for this purpose.
So basically, inflation is annualized CPI. The corporations haven’t gotten more greedy; inflation has gone up.
[What follows is my opinion and not fact]
And the way we calculate CPI includes a bunch of stuff we don’t actually need and have gotten cheaper, like electronics. If it was just essentials like food and health care, then the official numbers would look much worse.
Both got my rates hiked
I prefer width over volume, personally. Right just looks…wrong. but that’s my personal preference and I’m not gonna knock anyone for liking it.