Or ol’ Donnie knows his shrivelled up dick is extremely well protected by his overhanging belly.
Why would such an amazing looking shoe need any decoration at all?
This is such a good comment, thanks
Hey, if it works for you go for it. Just don’t do it around kids. Or non-consenting adults, now that I’m thinking about it.
Damn. I keep being surprised by how many people take stuff online way too seriously. Good meme, you get my seal of approval
It is not-thrilledday, my dudes
I get your point number one, but any American city better restaurants than London? You cannot seriously believe that. Sure, NY, Chicago, etc but common.
I’m sorry but I don’t really see it being that much of a hurdle with services like SimpleLogin where you can activate an address, create an account and then deactivate it again. Or am I wrong here?
This picture perfectly illustrates why you should carry spare googly eyes in your pocket all the time
What series was this? Asking… for a friend.
Talking to your doctor about an amtidepressant sounds like a very good step. They generally take a few weeks to start working, so don’t wait too long if you want to have a sunny disposition by xmas.
The best of luck to you my friend.
Your situation really sucks. The most important part is to tell yourself you can be happy again, even if it feels very far away right now. Being happy is the best thing there is, and worth a lot of effort and tough times to get to again.
Life gets overwhelming. You don’t need to see the whole staircase to take the first step. You’re doing your best. Be sure to talk about your feelings with your SO.
There is a mentalhealth community. As you’ve said, sometimes it is really good to write stuff down. Best of luck to you my friend.
found the time
Sharing links costs almost no time. Moet memes and stuff I make I just google x meme generator and there it is. It takes literally under a minute. Save to photo roll
To upload I use Memmy, while I use Voyager to scroll through Lemmy usually. I use memmy for uploading because it offers uploading images to imgur. Since my instance doesnt allow for image upload this is a good solution.
If I want to add text to a random image I just use whatsapp/signal to edit the image and send it to myself.
Don’t stress too much about thinking of a good title, puns are cool but not necessary.
I hooe there’s no musicians with 6 fingers on one hand
Better times will come Flicker. Good luck with your leap of faith and investment in your future life quality!
They should know, they have been here for a long, long time. Oh wait sorry