That part about gold being impossible to depose didn’t age well. 😢
That part about gold being impossible to depose didn’t age well. 😢
Does that really count as “throw objects” though?
I’m not defending China here, but since Snowden we now know that American corporate spyware does serve the government. And they are suppressing democracy - this isn’t a democracy yet, and peaceful protests for democracy are met with violent police resistance - Occupy, BLM, etc.
I sincerely hope that Lemmy can grow large enough to serve as a staging ground for democratic protests in America, just because it’s not corporate controlled.
If it really ramps up, we could share block lists too, like with ad blockers. So if a friend (or nth-degree friend) blocks someone, then you would block them automatically.
There’s nothing wrong or bad with it, but it’s a little gay, so it breaks their concentration and makes them feel uneasy.
I liked summoning in 3, but in 4 it feels like all the monsters just run straight past my summons to me. It’s like having an incompetent offensive line in American football. I just spend every fight running around avoiding monsters because they’re smarter than my skeletons.
35 years old! Makes me wonder what he would’ve come up with next, where music would be today if he’d lived to a ripe old age.
I like to cut off Teslas in particular because they have extra safe following features.
But we can already mirror a git repository, and you can already sign your commits. The weak point here was the developers’ identities, not the platform on which the data was hosted.
Can’t they just create pseudonyms?
I wish I could just set those to hidden by default instead. I always want to know the context.
This suggestion makes you a crypto influencer now.
Basically just Haley now.
My career has also gone very well in this time period by slacking on my previous job and using the extra time to get my current job. Per minute spent, I think it’s more cost effective to look for a new job. Companies hate loyalty now.
I don’t even sugar coat the “no” anymore. When the next company calls, all they’re going to share is how long I worked there.
Here’s a Venn Diagram:
(me) [alienation] (my labor)
Hey what if instead of free adblock, we charged people for it? Also I’ll use a little bit of the profits to try banning gay marriage.
Sure, you can change literally everything about Firefox if you pay a time cost. The defaults do matter because that’s one more thing to fix when installing it. We could say this about any negative feature.
I’d rather just take the one time lump sum payout of shorting it and flying over the radar. (Which that dude probably did) If you patiently exploit the vulnerability, then someone else might figure it out or notice.
Is that the panel 1 guy trying to convince the panel 2 guy to vote for genocide?
Always real answer: they invested in BAT.