This is literally better than anything Hollywood came up in these last 5 years op, what shit are you on?
This is literally better than anything Hollywood came up in these last 5 years op, what shit are you on?
Why much word when few do trick?
Where do people that complain about not having enough money for everything all the time get the money to do this kind of stuff?
Seriously what gives?
We got battery percentage Rickrolled Lmao 🤣
There are dozens of us, DOZENS!
AI is that radical new tech
It’s a service offered in exchange for currency. No one is forcing anyone to request food delivery service over Uber or whatever. It’s pure and simple convenience
The other is a state service, which might surprise some but manages quite a lot of citizens private information. Certainly nothing as banal as food
Apparently I’ve got diabaddies
Did it though?
You ate the full bait LMAO
And free market pilled
I don’t see the issue, you can choose to be outraged by everything all the time
Or not
Of course they get to pander.
They do this because they have the incentives to do so. If it is less profitable for business instead of more they will get back to it in a pinch
If not, they won’t.
Unless of course, they were being forced to do it, in which case, yikes.
Maybe they worked remote before and during the pandemic
Graphics designer maybe, creative, probably
But artist?
Negro please
Never forget Dominion tank police
In any case, it can’t be that b-