My body is Water Temple:
- Pain
- Pain
- Pain
- Constantly changing footwear
Hydration levels vary wildly by the moment
- confusion
The environmental music just keeps increasing in tempo and I can’t find the next geyser of air bubbles.
Definitely somewhere between a druidic grove and a mystery ruin
Mine is a temple that was recently fire bombed by religious extremists.
I wanna know how to get that classically sculpted perfection while keeping the wine consumption at heroic levels
Have you tried wrestling a lion?
Depends entirely on age of you ask me, if worshipped that way too long, you will end in ruins (which is surprisingly accurate)
I think I used to be an Aztec Pyramid, but I’m becoming a Mosque, and rapidly heading toward the ruins.
I have a Catholic friend who says she treats her body like a temple — full of red wine and guilt
I’m a mosque. The loud noise is usually, “damn it!” when I do something incredibly graceful, like walk into a wall or accidentally throw my phone across the room.
I was thinking more of my stomach rumbling at random times
Fire temple I guess. Ruined one, for a mix of center and bottom right.
My body is a temple
I only use the highest quality of cocaine.
Druidic Grove and synagogue, mildly mysterious ruin. Relaxation, lots of hair, out of shape, B! O! O! K! S!, how does this thing still operate?
Druidic grove for sure. Fire temple is a close second. So I guess I’m just a really holy forest fire
Greek temples were gaudily painted and decorated in bright colors.
Also they were used as wealth deposit, sort of like banks.
I mean that might lead me to view my body as a Greek temple, however experience has shown I’m not the best vessel for precious metals.
Apparently I’m a synagogosque
My body is a temple to Dionysus.