Nevermind, have figured it out.
<thread closed with NO FUCKING ASWER kthxbye>
Described: Why whenever I figure something out myself after posting a help thread, I’ll write a whole report on what I did before it got fixed (because often I’m just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, and I never know what exactly moved the needle)
Those threads with “fixed it!” and no instructions? If they’re on reddit, I’m posting “I deleted system32 and the problem went away!”
If it’s Linux related say “open a terminal and do
sudo rm -rf /
” for similar life-ruining effects.sudo rm -rf /
Ok, so I retroactively removed the realm of France and now a bunch of Spanish people are pissed about living too close to Luxembourg and the number of great cheeses in the world has decreased by 80%!
What now?
Me, who completely nuked twelve years worth of Reddit posts and comments which were often one of, if not the only relevant search result to an extremely niche problem.
Oof yeah. Finding a reddit thread with your exact query as the title, getting excited to see a comment, aaaaand… It’s “This comment was deleted by EliteUltraEraser Premium TM. I value my privacy,…”
(I do get it though. And who knows, maybe this will actually help in the long run
and not just lead to increased usage of Discord communities so ask the same thing over and over and over again because they aren’t fucking publicly searchable god I hate what Discord has done to the searchability of issues in the tech space?)Oops, might have gone a little off topic there.
Ah, I think my edible just hit, that explains it
“Why are you trying to do [x]? Have you tried doing [y] instead?”
“Just install Linux”
People who write a whole novel about “google is your friend” and try to make you feel stupid for asking a question are the ultimate assholes. You wrote 3 paragraphs just to bully a stranger on the internet when 1 sentence could have answered the question. Thanks for being a royal knob head.
goes to goople
searches ‘1980 cx500 only runs on one cylinder’
comment from 2007: “replace this module right here:”
[broken Photobucket link]edit: might as well add the problem. lol
if the carbs are clean and tuned well enough to be ruled out the problem is likely the CDI module as they are over 40 years old and are known to fail. if replacing the CDI doesn’t seem to make a difference the problem is likely the ignition system on the whole. the next step in the process would be the stator but since you have to pull the motor to change it you may as well go ahead and rebuild the ignition system with modern components. there are a couple different aftermarket solutions such as Ignitech. i opted for Rae-San.
I remember someone once made a meme about that:
Anybody remember this site? Google used to be so good that anybody with half a brain could find a good result if they would just type a basic phrase into it.
My sweet summer child, issues with google search existed in 2008, things just accelerated at a massive rate once it became the de facto standard and people figured out how to manipulate search results.
“My sweet summer child” is a very weird way to start a comment response. It sounds condescending.
It’s supposed to