In Icelandic “Þú stendur fyrir framan þínum konungi”
This one person SHREDS another in an argument
I’m a new dad and I get womansplained now a lot. “You need to tip the bottle so there’s milk in the nipple of it” was a recent one
“Be a man”, “Real men don’t cry”, “Crybaby”, “Man up”, “That show is for women”, “That sounds super gay”
This is what pop culture tells men to say to other emotionally sensitive men.
That’s all true, by voting for minor parties you do entice the established parties to grab some of their policies. This does not address the fact that in FPTP a fractured ideology loses because of the spoiler effect. If you get 5 parties with 10% vote share. Dems on 20% and Republicans on 30% it’s a Republican win even though their ideology doesn’t resonate with 70% of voters.
You need tactical voting to get the majority of seats in this case also and in a situation where everyone would vote tactically against Republicans they will be pro voter reform since it’ll reduce the power of a united right wing.
That’s what I’ve always thought, it feels like the dems instead of compromising on ideology they should look for policies that benefit the rural Americans that feel increasingly excluded from the society happening in cities. Just throw them farming subsidies for small to mid sized farms, benefits for undeveloped land, agricultural loans for the energy transition to help them conform to new climate regulations.
Then maybe even throw in benefits for rural fire departments and so on are all democrat ideology policies. When the right becomes unelectable people move left.
I think depends on the voting system and the election. US has a really bad system with FPTP voting. In that case tactical voting should be used for governor and president but representatives should be voted by the heart to build up better support for third party candidates.
It’s also very important to vote in primaries and and party national conventions because those votes affect national policies way more than the elections themselves.
US is very presidential heavy but voting in local elections really counts and allows third parties to slowly build up enough support to create a hung parliament where voting system concessions can be made.
Voting for lesser evil is important although the lesser evil is still evil
I’ma eat this chick out.
Not sure why I would talk to a rotisserie chicken though
It would be great if servers were just running in the background with an update
I have a recent Xiaomi that supports 2 sim + storage and a 3.5mm jack. I’m on Redmi Note 12 (don’t recommend since memory management is atrocious)
Hi there
You need to use the valve to adjust the pressure. They’re also not all the same.
I got "Women are so cute and I think that’s a bad idea to be honest with you and you are so cute and you are a great person to be happy to see you and your family and your family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and family and… "
One of my core values is honesty so I have no idea where that one comes from
On the flip side if you drop a glass of water it will almost instantly evaporate.
Does anyone know whether this is actually possible under the current treaty without unanimous approval of all member states? I know it fits with EU values but I’m not sure these matters are an EU competency (i.e. area EU can legislate)