“Improved mental state”?
“Improved self-confidence”?
I think the person who made this list did not grow up as a girl. This coming hard on the heels of man/bear.
Baby-Transfem here, started HRT literally last week:
Until last friday I was suicidal, constantly depressed and full of self-hate I couldn’t understand.
Since I got my first dose estrogen my mental health drastically improved (as did some other hormone-related body functions that only need the hormones in my blood but not necessarily a prolonged exposure).
I learned from my doc that some transpersons have a brain structure of their non-assigned sex and then show exactly my pattern of relief; meaning my brain was actually born to be estrogen- instead of testosterone-dominated. (which seems to be based on the hormones oned mom exposed one during 3-4th and 10-14th week of infancy. One periods influences the gender of the brain, the other the sex of the general body)
So while I see where you are coming from, and I heavily prepare myself for all the sexism that will probably bring me back to earth as soon as I visually feminize; I can attest that HRT improved both drastically for me (for now)
Yup! I replied to someone else that my comment was just about female-ness, not about fixing something broken about you. Your situation and result are entirely valid!
This coming hard on the heels
Keep your kinks to yourself!
I think the person who made this list did not grow up as a girl.
Are you trying to argue that us trans women aren’t real women you disgusting pig?
You are on a hair trigger, friend. No one’s trying to reject you or hurt you.
Your meme didn’t land with some of us, that doesn’t make you any less valid.
The meme implies the list of benefits simply comes with being a woman, not just from transitioning as a trans person.
If you’re trans, every step of transitioning to your real gender is a real improvement to your life and health.
But if you’re not trans, or are trans, but FtoM or just look at it a little different…
The meme is rubbing people the wrong way because it mixed up the improvements that come from transitioning as a trans person, with being a woman being better than being a man.
If you were assigned male and transitioned or started transitioning to female, of course your life and health will be better!
But you accidentally implied being a woman automatically solves a bunch of problems that women absolutely can and do still have, and that the problems men have are caused by them being men.
This gives a very specific kind of trans woman vibe and I don’t think I like it. I think it’s the “angry masculine mannerisms” that is bothering me. Masc / butch trans women exist too, and it feels weird to imply only men get angry. This seems to simplify and put into a box what being a trans woman is.
Edit: also HRT affects everyone differently and to act like it makes everyone cute and small and feminine is misleading. Being trans is exhausting sometimes and takes a lot of work, and some may never fit this description regardless of how hard they try.
Edit 2: I’m a trans woman myself and I’m nearly 99% sure OP is just a troll at this point. If not, she’s seriously making herself look like a moron.
Give me a tail and we’ll talk.
But…my beard. ;_;
This reads as casually sexist towards both men and women. Agression? Luscious hair? This isn’t really a meme, this is just “man bad, (idealised) woman good”, that’s neither funny nor relatable
It absolutely reeks of an /r/egg_irl femcel, especially their comments through the rest of the thread.
Yeah they’re definitely giving egg_irl vibes, I don’t know what femcel is though, is that something else like egg_irl?
A femcel is a female incel
Counterpoint: I can do the helicopter with my dick
deleted by creator
Yeah, “angry, masculine mannerisms” sounds kind of shitty. I’m very happy for anyone who can express themselves as their own chosen gender but we don’t need to put down others.
Ability to wear adorable clothes
I already do that. No reason for transitioning.
Fuck social norms.
Fuck the police.
And fuck you.
aggressively flings fluffy scarf over the shoulder
I never understood how people get so stuck in-denial, I mean ask yourself, is there really something so wrong with being a girl. Really what is so bad abut that to you that you’ll intentionally and repeatedly deny who you are to yourself? I wish you luck sis and I hope you can come out to yourself and be happy one day.
…are you trying to tell them what their gender should be?
This person is clearly in-denial, I’m not saying they should or shouldn’t be anything, it’s just obvious they aren’t entirely cis if you catch my drift.
At first I thought this was a light hearted shit post but god you talk like a Jehovah’s witness
Any conservatives seeing this thread are having all of their conspiracy theories validated.
Maybe they need therapy to help convert them.
Oh wait.
Maybe let people exist, eh?
Don’t compare cracking someone’s egg to conversion therapy, they are not the same, cracking people’s eggs saves lives, it frees them from denial and allows them to be happy as their authentic self. Conversion therapy tries to force people deeper into denial. This is such a rotten and transphobic argument.
You are not the arbiter of who is or is not trans. You are free to help someone come to the realization that they may be trans, but do not invalidate their identity in the process.
Gender expression is a spectrum, and just because someone isn’t 100% gender conforming doesn’t automatically make them trans.
It is not invalidating their identity it is helping discover who they really are, helping them come out of the egg and break the denial that prevents them from being their most legitimate selves.
In another comment you clearly stated that femboys are not the same thing as trans.
And now you want to push the transfem label onto a non-afab person just because they admit to wear gender-non-conforming clothes?
No I said we aren’t femboys, we are women. If someone claims to be a boy and dresses fem it’s clear they aren’t entirely cis, if they were such act would give them unbelievable gender dysphoria and discomfort.
This is a meme about trans women, please don’t conflate us with femboys.
Sounds for me like:
“femboys exist, but we are not the same”; not “femboys do not exist. They’re just in denial”
(and I do agree with the first; not with the second)
You just singlehandedly invalidated the gender identity of every cis drag queen. That’s impressive.
Sure, you can jump gender if you feel like it, but you’re replying to a person who transcended those silly boundaries without immediately constraining themselves to a different one. I suspect they are next level happy.
They are constraining themselves to a gender though, they’re stuck in the idea that they have to be a man because they were born male. That’s not true though, people can be a woman regardless of what they were born as. They say they’re happy now but they would be so much happier if they stopped limiting themselves and realized they can live comfortably as a woman.
You are nothing but a troll and I love how the mods do jack shit about it.
Lemmy.world sure is full of transphobes and pickmes 🤮, it’s just like Reddit.
how do I filter out trans posting
You could always choose not to engage.
Already do that
Oh look, another transphobe 🙄
I just don’t find the content relevant or have any interest in it ever
Then just ignore it and move on.
No shit, that’s what I do already…
You had me at tiddies