It’s just a test bro!
Elimitary, my dear Watson
It’s spelt Elamite
It’s a cream for scabies.
The animals were laminated two by two wtf, wtf?
Haha, but its indiscriminate, see? It just kills anyone caught in the water. Trust me it’ll be good for everything.
aka the poor that doesn’t own a big cruise ship
But would Thanos save
one maneight people and two of all animals except unicorns?No, didn’t think so.
We’d have unicorns.
Edit: more than one man but still
Don’t forget the dinosaurs that were saved but died out anyway because it were only gay couples
And chupacabras!
That’s why I call “God” the Tyrant. Mogo is a malevolent alien jerksss.
That’s not what Thanos was doing though?
It was in Endgame
Thanos’ plan was so fucking stupid. He wanted to eliminate half of the population to reduce the lack of resources. This completely ignores how populations grow exponentially and will be back to the original quantity in a generation or two… His plan kills half the population while not actually fixing the resource problem.
Should have just snapped his fingers for unlimited resources. What a dum dum.
In the comics is much more direct: he wants Death to love him so, as a present, he wants to kill half of everything in the universe.
Also by destroying half of all life, presumably that includes animals and plants (and therefore food resources).
Doesn’t really seem like it solved anything at all
i guess that explains how T’Challa was just straight up able to talk him out of it in What If. Thanos legitimately just needed someone to explain to him everything wrong with his plan.
Well this is where I think they did get it right. He was blind with power and no one cared to oppose him. If they did, they died.
can an apostrophe be racist
Marvel story is not thoroughly thought through and bad
Color me shocked
I’m busy, colour yourself. But you can borrow my crayons, because I’m nice.
You have too many crayons so I’m taking half of them
strategic crayon reserve
This was annoying. I love sci-fi so I don’t need realism but the writers should at least make some effort for plausibility.
Same with The Matrix (my favorite movie) and their human battery shit that “combined with a form of fusion” solved their energy needs.
The original idea was that the humans were used as a kind of biological processors. Like a botnet but with humans. That idea is so much better, but studio execs shot it down because “people wouldn’t understand”.
bort net
Oh yes, that would’ve been so much better!
I don’t know why but for some reason the Thanos one bugs me more, it feels more fundamentally wrong. Like I understand the flaws with the matrix, I went electrical engineering to software development, but to me I’m still willing to accept some wand wavy bullshit about how they need to harvest humans for power, more than I am that a population won’t double immediately. Like the biology of consciousness and brains and electricity have a lot more room for complex weirdness than the weeds in my walkway always immediately regrowing.
The original script of The Matrix didn’t day that. The original purpose was to use human minds as computers to fight other humans. Butt if you think about it, Morpheus though he was living in the real world.
Even just halving a population of a speices isn’t actually all that much in cases where they aren’t already threatened. In humanity’s case it would drive set our population levels all the way back to the distant and barbaric times of the 1970s.
Back in the 1970s when we believed there’d be mass starvation by 2000
Thanos is exactly what you get when you combine infinite power with a mediocre imagination.
Fucking hell I never though of that 5 years ago
Thanos is peak centrism.
50% dead is progress!
eliminate yourself.
Fun fact, in this ship Sun zoo gathers 2 of each animal and beat the crap out of every single one of them and that’s why anytime a bunch of animals are together in one place it’s called a zoo!
Mf what are you talking about
It’s a TF2 reference from “meet the soldiers” promotional video.
TF2 also known as Team Fortress 2 is a war themed hat simulator that was developed and published by Valve Corporation in 2007
If you want to see the full playable characters promotional playlist
If you haven’t played the game you can give it a try it’s an old game but it’s fun
Unless it’s a farm!
Does this scenario remind anyone of a contemporary political situation happening somewhere?