Yeah, the hands look like they’ve been replaced/repaired… And not very well.
Yeah, the hands look like they’ve been replaced/repaired… And not very well.
Yeah, choose SCUBA spelunking like a real daredevil!
I’ve never understood this. It’s pretty easy to make some decent bread just by feel. I never measure, all you need is the right moisture to flour content.
But now after writing this maybe I just don’t have fear…
True love is knowing the exact line between playful annoying and rage-inducing annoying. It takes a while to dial in. I can tell you’ve found it.
Hey! Fuck you chemicalwonka! Your nuanced, slightly different opinion enrages me! We’re enemies now.
I agree with you, that would be a much more effective use of resources. It’s a fantasy though, and it’s way more fun for me to daydream about design than manipulating public policy.
All that said it’s not a fruitless endeavor to think about how you would build something from scratch even if you can’t. It is a good way to hash out ideas without getting bogged down by the resistance to change.
I was thinking about this the other day. If I had half a trillion dollars (like the guy who just bought the presidency) I would spend it building a city from scratch. A walkable/bikeable city with free public transportation. I don’t have enough expertise to speak about affordable housing ideas, but with that amount of money I can pay someone to come up with some good regulations. Don’t know why but that’d be my passion project.
I don’t think value to society weighs into the equation, just the ratio of salary to ownership wealth gain.
There are bad people in the working class that are a net detriment to society, just as there are good people in the owning class that are a net benefit. Those good and bad deeds don’t change how they accrue wealth and therefore don’t change their class.
This working class isn’t a morality judgement, it’s a wealth ratio per individual.
According to Forbes, on average 60% of CEO compensation is equity. In short, I was wrong. My bad!
Working class means your primary wealth generation tool is selling your labor. The compensation plans vary widely, but I think most CEOs are earning most of their wealth through a salary vs returns on things they own.
You can hate it all you want, but that’s what working class means.
This is my biggest frustration with these posts. We might not like it, but CEOs are still working class. Most of their wealth is derived from a paycheck. They aren’t even the owning class. They’re rich AF, but they’re a symptom more than a problem.
There’s a skatepark near me that is still bumping. All ages, all times of day. There is even this guy who lives in his car that comes out an practices DJing out there. It’s an awesome little community.
Does this mean go out and buy toilet paper?
I’ve had good project managers that really do make things run smoothly and take a ton of stress of the team. More often I’ve had the worse than useless ones that add workload rather than alleviate it.
I usually do quad stretches, forward bend, downward dog, childs pose, pretzel, and figure 4. I think the figure 4 has had the largest impact loosening up the glute to knee connection.
Do leg stretches every day. Most knee pain is associated with certain muscles overpowering others in rest state. Stretch them out to reset that balance. It’s worked wonders for me, started seeing results in ~2weeks.
Couldn’t watch the Olympics on Peacock because of this. Super annoying.
Thank you for your service in spreading the gospel of the scissors sisters.
There seems to be a lot of resentment about brands honoring pride month. I get that it’s mostly a ploy for more customers, but even so I don’t think it deserves the criticism it gets. Support for the community is widespread and mainstream and I think that should be celebrated in all its forms. If this public corporate pandering ever goes away it should be a red flag that the mainstream support has waivered and everyone should be worried.
I mean, she just has to serve out once in a match to win the scenario in this question. I don’t think it’s that unreasonable.