Someone driving the same speed? What if I want to change lanes you dumb bitch.
Wtf I’m still sitting on cruise control trying to pass you but then you start matching the cars speed for no reason. I then try to speed up but you do too, so I let off the gas and let cruise control take over again…
He’s still there…
The suspense, the thrill! How did it end?!
I was eaten by actual Cannibal Shia Lebouf.
Anyone who’s driving slower is an idiot, and anyone driving faster is a maniac
And anyone who drives the same speed as you is weird.
Must be following you. Stay alert. Especially if they turn on their blinkers right after you do
That’s when you have to give em the slip
And anyone who drives the same speed as you
is a cop.Someone driving at the same speed as you is fine. The problem is when that person stay in your dead angle. It grinds my gears.
Give credit to George Carlin for that one.
Even worse: when they drive faster than you, then slower, then faster again, then slower…
Even worse: when they drive slower than you but take it personally when you try to pass them and speed up only to slow down 30 seconds later.
When you’re behind a Tesla and they can’t maintain a consistent speed.
Me? I’m getting where I need to go.
Everybody else is just traffic.
It’s like they just enjoy clogging up the roads or something.
More specifically, in the left lane. The right lane can do whatever it wants
Yeah, if you’re in the passing lane, and aren’t passing anyone, I’m pissed. I don’t care if you’re going 10 under or 50 over, the passing lane is exclusively for passing.
Yes, but NB: the left lane is not a passing lane for left exits or left on ramps/merges.
yeah, but how often do you see those around on highways (compared to regular exits)? and it doesn’t excuse those people who get in the left lane 10 miles before the turn itself and go 10 mph below the limit…
that’s by biking is superior, cyclists greet each other with a smile because we’re glad to finally see another person on the road who isn’t liable to murder us with their vehicle the original scene