No son, pi r round, cornbread r square.
No son, pi r round, cornbread r square.
You need to flush your local DNS cache after turning that on for it to be 100% effective.
Microsoft terminal and wsl are fantastic. Not a replacement for Linux, but they’re great.
Me? I’m getting where I need to go.
Everybody else is just traffic.
Almost like if there were a union of 50 states, and each state had slightly different laws. Mostly they’re the same, but if you’re not careful you could run amok and ruin your life with a random felony.
Whataboutism is a logical fallacy. One has nothing to do with the other.
This is all irrelevant, portals can’t be placed on moving objects.
I remember the before times.
In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.