Virtual lights are real lights…
Virtual lights are real lights…
I’ll let you in on a secret.
Humanity and the animals that we like will get through just fine.
Humans in general and the vast majority of biodiversity will be fucked if it ever happens.
I firmly believe it won’t. Too many good people in the world doing far more than the shitty ones.
Hey at least she gets you the easiest Legendary Unique monster in Monster Rancher.
Got that silver tongue pussy. Stussy.
English syntax hard?
There’s a lot of issues with English. Most of them are for using loanwords without phonetically changing how they’re spoken in the English alphabet. Then people wonder why they’re spelled like Ledoux and sound like Lehdoo.
Romance. Romance languages are the fucking reason you word slurring tongue twats.
But hey, at least we’re not Turkik.
Through the power of not letting the oil set, and using a rag or brush with warm to hot water, you will be surprised just how little to no soap you need at all.
Fwiw I’m not cleaning greasy ass pans regularly either. We’re too poor for that lol.
The mechanical action of water running and wiping is what takes out 90% of germs and bacteria already. Soap is only responsible for that next 9%.
There’s still 1% unless you autoclave it.
Tldr: You probably don’t need soap for dishes if you wash them during initial rinse immediately after use and they aren’t super gross.
You still want to wash and soap your hands cause 10% of cold germs is plenty.
Also quit licking your fingers to open the plastic bags for produce at the store you filthy fucks.
12024 Human Era.
Thank you Kurzgesagt calendars.
On the negative side, trying to get people our after is rough. The gf still has problems understanding that yes, you can take both kids with you to run errands, shop, etc.
Staying home all day dicking around on Facebook while I do all the shopping and a good chunk of the cooking, dishes, and child rearing heh after I get home is always like dude, go outside lol.
You could always try not killing people and use fantasy or heavy drugs as a means for escape.
YouTube emos not dead. - sauce.
Youtube Um Actually for nerdy game show. that doesn’t require subscription.
I’ll take Uppies for ~$6,000 please.
Respect to the Spaghettios.
It’s only us vs the billionaires! Don’t let them try to pit us against each other!
Anyone who owns more than two houses deserves to die!
Anyone who works X job is a bastard, no matter how much good they do.
No, I will not run for local elections.
No, I will not give up Xitter I need it to follow my niche artists despite them having accounts on multiple other platforms including BlueSky.
No I will not give up Facebook. I need it to poke meemaw and check the marketplace for things I’ll never buy or sell because Craigslist amirite?
At least all you twats use ETA less than they do on reddit. That bugs me way more than it should.
He’s not even 1/4 of the way to being a billionaire. He may as well be scraping shit off the street then trying to pass it off as one of his lavacakes.
Who the fuck is the rich chef lmfao?
Every chef I know looks like the dude on the left, but he hasn’t had adderall since work insurance pays shit so instead he subsists on alcohol and cocaine with the rush of order and chaos working the kitchen.
Quivering Beef Curtains*.
Although I believe that’s the second video…