You mean the stand-up comedian, right? (Edit: it’s a joke that I made, because I thought he was initially a Comedian, then an actor, and lastly a president)
Notice they spelled the name wrong too, it’s a joke.
How you spell his name depends on when you spell it: before the war started or after.
What if the whole war was actually about who was the legitimate “Vladimir?” Textbooks in 2060 like “the context was long and boring so we’ll shorten it to this: the Vladimirs faced off.”
‘Vladimir’ is ‘Volodymyr’ in Russian. Initially, he used Russian version, but after becoming president he started using Ukrainian one
He was a comedian, but not a stand-up comedian.
he is technically an actor although the performance isn’t too convincing
What a joke!
He did something right for once!
Zelensky on the Time cover is the perfect illustration of what having a bad migraine feels like
oh my goodness…zelensky was playing 4d chess all this time!
Hitler ending colonialism energy
accelerationism is the only real path I guess
They photoshopped his eyes blue for this cover.
idk how they manage to be so nazi with nobody able to pick up on it
The Spirit of Ukraine
Damn I thought it was gonna be the Ghost of Kiev for sure
Either way Ukraine has a serious haunting problem; maybe we should send the ghostbusters instead
There are several hundred thousand vengeful dead patrolling the Donbas border by now…
Gozer the Gozerian gonna manifest in downtown
BakhmutArtyemovskwe should send our own
Thank you Volololodymyr, very cool
Slava Cokaini o7
Except he initially called for solidarity with Israel. Ukraine’s Zelenskiy calls for world solidarity with Israel It makes him look a bit ill-informed and short-sighted.
I have just a tiny tensy teeny bit of suspicion that this is sarcasm.
Hah! You’re probably right. This is what happens when you’re up late in bed and you need to get up at 7 am for work In four hours.
Profile pic checks out
Nuh uh, Elensky is actually a communist spy working behind enemy lines
thnx volvo sky, neat
Its sad, truly…like influencers desperately trying to get the last drop of attention for their self-interest.
Critical support for comrade Zelenskyy in weakening western imperialism and thwarting the Zionist regime!
Best part is those weapons are being used to rid the world of orcs! 😉
Slava zlensky 🫡🇺🇦🇺🇦🫡🫡🇺🇦
❤️ for comrade volodamyr
How can I block this instance ?
- Close your browser.
- Go to C:/Windows.
- Move the folder “System32” into your Recycle Bin.
- Right click over the Recycle Bin icon.
- Click over “Empty Recycle Bin”.
- Restart your PC.
but if they close the browser how can they possibly remember all those steps? far too complicated!
What if they are a Mac User?
- Turn off Mac.
- Throw Mac into the nearest garbage can.
- Get a computer with literally any other OS.
Even Chrome OS this is bad advice, everything before that I agree with
- Get a gun
- aim at mac
- pull trigger
- Glance at wallet.
- Cry.
- Realize that you only have 8GB of soldered RAM.
- Cry even harder.
Sorry I’m on Ubuntu
$ sudo rm -rf /
That shoumd do the trick
Thanks man but I’m on mobile most of the time :/
Go cry. If you do it enough, you won’t be reading inconvenient truths.
Oh that’s easy, just hit alt f4 while you have the instance open! Hope this helps!
Wow, another white crackkker shielding himself from the truth.
Volodymyr Zelensky is a defender & righteous warrior of the revolution. And waged his PPW against the imperialist west by draining their coffers, full support for Zelensky and his fight against western imperialism.
You go girl ! Fuck Russia !
I fuck Russia every night
That’s the spirit ! Fuxk them all
Ahhhhh ! Ewwww how’d a lib get in here? gross!
Pourquoi tu voudrais bloquer cette instance ?
Parce que c’est rempli de fils de pute croyant détenir la vérité en glorifiant à chaque post la Russie ou la chine tout en chiant sur Zelensky soit parce qu’il est juif soit parce qu’il est antisemite où les deux à la fois.
Façon d’être un bon vassal soumis à l’empire américain
T’es soumis à la Russie alors mon petit. C’est mieux ? Ça t’empêche moins de dormir la nuit de soutenir un pays qui crache sur le tien ?
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