Same author as well. Wunderwaffe moment.
a cool (brr) dude
Same author as well. Wunderwaffe moment.
I think Kissinger could have been redeemed into useful fertiliser.
NixOS is gaining among corporations so this was bound to happen at some point. I don’t know much about it but it is becoming a popular choice for setting up development environments as a vagrant replacement.
I have been thinking about how groceries can be requested and distributed in a world that is not a capitalist hellscape. The shelves of contemporary supermarkets while nice feel like advertisement spots and the way they are stocked seems wasteful just to give an impression of abundance and prosperity.
While in person stores in some shape or form will always continue to exist, I love the idea of online services like BigBasket in India being set up as a public utility. It’s an online storefront where you buy groceries. They have a delivery truck that goes to certain neighborhoods once everyday and drop off the goods. It should be great for at least the staples.
Of course bigbasket have not branched out to a slave summoning app where you purchase can be delivered to you within 15 minutes but I like the original idea.
How are Abu Ghraib and 800 overseas military bases cherry picked stats?
How are starbucks/mcd involved in Israel’s genocide? And is there a list of similar companies to boycott?
The person who composed this tweet know what they were doing
Edit: the tweet is fake. I wish it wasn’t.
really poorly thought out ad
you mean incredibly well thought out incisive satire
Noo not like that
Very few nations disgust me as much as Germany. First perpetrating the Holocaust, then paperclipping the Nazis, followed by using the guilt of Holocaust to defend and justify a second genocide.
This is gonna make western chauvinist radlibs and “leftists” rage at levels previously thought impossible
Ironically, a lot of corporations who began by extolling the virtues of “open source” are now changing over to source-available restricted licences. At this point, licenses like MIT seem to exist only for the small developers who hope to use their open source projects as a vehicle to jump onto the payroll of established companies.
GPL and similar licenses which enshrine these four freedoms are legally actionable. You could argue how actively a bourgeois law apparatus respects them is dubious. But I don’t know what you mean by idealistic here. Are you saying that the four freedoms do not guarantee freedom in reality?
Why does the west support Ukraine?
How is it a matter of perspective? Either the US fighting a war against Russia using Ukraine as a proxy or they are not.
That’s not what the meme implies.
It depends on your definition of what constitutes involvement. If supplying metric tonnes of weapons, providing strategic assistance and training, leading a campaign to bomb the Nordstreams does not count as involvement then the US is not involved in this war.
Western media is in a unique position because most users here are unfortunately Western themselves which lends them to being exposed to psychically lethal doses of Western media through no choice of their own.
But most importantly Western media are the world’s stenographers owing to the Western (mainly American) hegemony. Indian cable news is repeating the “Hamas terrorists” line that originates from Israeli and American media. As vile as the Indian media corporations are they did not arrive at these conclusions independently.
Their takeaway is probably going to be “we should have been more of rabid unrepentant warmongerers and fielded US troops and instated no fly zone”