we at Lemmygrad Inc.™ are aware of administrator DankZedong™'s chronic lack of Oppo-upvoting (internally referred to as Oppvootingpat. pend.) and will be enacting disciplinary measures
unpaid intern admin at Lemmygrad Inc.™
unlimited death to 🇺🇸 and its proxies
we at Lemmygrad Inc.™ are aware of administrator DankZedong™'s chronic lack of Oppo-upvoting (internally referred to as Oppvootingpat. pend.) and will be enacting disciplinary measures
Do you have any kind of evidence of this supposed genocide? Anything aside from unsubstantiated claims from the same sources that are currently denying the blatant genocide of Palestinians?
AFAICT Chromium isn’t free software, it’s BSD-3 and a few other non-copyleft licenses. GPLv3 seems fairly solid to me
we should send our own
I’d imagine it’s just out of courtesy, I don’t see any good reason to publish their username when it wasn’t already public
If I’ve understood it correctly, the new feature will only let you block posts from that instance, so you’ll still see their comments
March 12, 2022
September 7, 2022
January 14, 2023
January 16, 2023
January 27, 2023
May 15, 2023
September 20, 2023
seems to be in order to me
it’s easy to miss since a lot of people use display names, and AFAIK Hexbear is the only instance that shows the instance even if a display name is set
yes, particularly with the upcoming user-level instance block feature
I’ve never claimed that what I’ve said has had any effect on the occupation of Palestine
it’s not like any other state, it’s a settler colony actively committing genocide, which is only true for a few other states
I haven’t mentioned “Israel”, but claiming that I can’t mock or criticize another state because I live in a capitalist country is bizarre
I disagree, just because our goal is a stateless world doesn’t mean states that actually represent their population (e.g. AES countries) have no right to exist
but have you considered that if I do choose to get exploited, I am able to keep a very small part of the value I create and use it to purchase any one of fifty-seven brands of corn flakes