As is tradition
As is tradition
There was no issue re: nuance in your statements, they were just nonsensical and revealed a lack of understand the basic ideas of the topic. This trend has continued with this reply.
The DDR was socialist. However, it was state socialism, which in my opinion is not ideal and not something we should strive to replicate.
The framing of socialism as ownership of the means of production goes hand-in-hand with control over the state. It’s how it was originally formulated by Marx, Engels, etc. The term “dictatorship of the proletariat” is stated in the same breaths and texts and concepts. There is no such thing as non-state socialism in this conception, the only conception that is relevant to this discussion.
This is something a person would know if they had ever read even a basic summary of this topic.
Yes, the means of production were “owned by the people,” but the state tasks itself with protecting the people. And therein lies the problem with state socialism - the state is easily commandeered by a corrupt minority who then uses the governmental apparatus to run an authoritarian regime.
You’re even using the liberal NGO lexicon for this description! Vague generalizations about authoritarianism and cute little stories with no grounding in reality.
We should be able to recognize the imperfections in prior socialist attempts, without immediately calling it “capitalist NGO propaganda.”
It’s not hard to identify a poor understanding when you have, you know, actually learned about these things. And interacted with thousands of people just like you and know why they parrot such nonsense. If you had an informed or valid criticism that would be something to talk about, but we are not in that situation. I think we are looking at a graduate of Reddit University, with all the intellectual humility that implies.
Have you considered that you seem to know almost nothing about this and therefore shouldn’t share your opinion like it’s some kind of fact?
The USSR was a communist country. A normal use of that term is that a country communist is one that’s run by a communist party.
If you mean it didn’t achieve communism, well duh communism is a hypothesized society achieved through socialism where the state ceases to exist. No socialists, including the people of the USSR, would think that their nation-state has achieved communism as that’s oxymoronic. They would think of it as a transitional socialist state.
That is indeed what your capitalist NGOs tell you with unlimited funds.
Consider that socialism is about control over the means of production, of deposing the capitalist system, and that your dismissal of the DDR as socialist didn’t address that at all. Do you think it’s possible you’ve been lied to?
Nazi Germany wasn’t left and the USSR, which included more than Russia, was a transitional socialist country lol.
The side walls are actually very important for the structural integrity of shipping containers. If you cut holes in it, it absolutely needs to be reinforced or your new roof line is going to sag over time. They’re built as cheaply as possible to accomplish their exact task, which is holding a bunch of crap and being stackable, and the side walls provide both tension to hold together the frame (basically a box) and to provide rigidity to both floor and the top. I reeeally hope y’all reinforced the areas around windows.
You can do a bunch of things to shipping containers to make them viable, but it’s far more expensive in materials and time than just building with more raw materials. You can remove the toxic coating but you have to have a whole human do the labor for that and do is safely, otherwise that human is paying for that decision with their health. The materials and labor for that aren’t nothing.
When you look at what is actually used from the container in order to create a house, it’s really not that much. Basically just framing of questionable stability and some corrugated metal siding, possibly the cheapest and easiest part of building a house. I can personally frame up something container-sized in less than a day, easy peasy. Siding and drywall are also easy. The harder parts are everything the container doesn’t provide: foundation, vapor barriers, plumbing, electrical, a good roof, any specialized need for insulation, efficient ventilation / heating / cooling, making sure safety elements are up to code.
In terms of mobility, I would not recommend moving a container home that has been substantially modified unless it’s been upgraded for exactly that. They can only be safely moved using the corners to distribute the weight, hence the special container arms at shipping yards that grab the corners. If you put a custom roof on there or otherwise make it so you can’t grab those corners, there’s a good chance the whole thing falls apart unless you’ve reinforced it to be mobile using yet more investment.
No, the problem with housing is that it is a financialized commodity that is engineered to go up in price faster than wages because it’s an investment. Not just for individuals, but for real estate companies and banks that gamble with the loans. Zoning laws are a symptom of this, but even if you basically get rid of them (as happens in various places in Texas), the same trend applies.
Those construction companies (really, real estate companies) all get big loans to build those apartments and they do so with an expectation of per-unit profits, often with unrealistic targets unless property values increase even more, and often targeting richer people. When they fail to rent enough at that price point, rather than decreasing rents (which would spook their lenders), they just leave units vacant until they can hit that price point. There are half-empty “luxury apartment” buildings dotting every major city due to this.
The most anyone can point to for the impact of zoning is that prices to rent tend to go up slightly slower.
Your local government is also likely funded by property taxes that are pegged to property values, which is why they never do anything sufficient to handle this issue.
They have too many downsides. Most of them aren’t actually reusing containers because they’re usually too small and they’re coated with toxic materials that prevent mold and pests from living in them. They look large enough at first, but this is before you have to install a floor and walls and a ceiling with insulation all around and plumbing and electrical, etc. In addition, if you want to add windows by cutting into the sides, you’ve just undermined the structural integrity of the thing, as it’s premised on being exactly that (stackable) box. So then you have to reinforce the crap out of it if you want windows.
Putting all of that together, to safely put together a reasonably livable container home, you’re basically just using it as an aesthetic piece, as you’ve had to buy the shell new and then spend the rest of your budget trying to make it actually work as a home. It’s cheaper and better to build a small home with commodity materials unless you really, really want that aesthetic.
Westerners only care when white people die. Despite racism against Slavic people, Ukraine was white-ified for purposes of Russophobia and NATO.
The normal thing on Reddit is to parrot the imperial line and ban socialists and their subs. This leaves a political chasm where fascism can be normalized. It’s usually not normalized so obviously as “look at these Nazis isn’t it cool that meemaw met this genocidal fuck” though. Most fascism of the empire is already mostly normalized and these folks just push for it even more: scapegoating immigrants, creating forms of acceptable racism against out-groups, promoting privatization, demonizing socialists, justifying settler-colonialism for their “friends”, blood & soil rhetoric, etc.
Two examples:
Frothing-at-the-mouth blood & soil rhetoric premised on Russophobia and giving Ukrainians the “white” treatment.
Pretending to care about Uyghurs while spending zero time researching it and only caring to the extent that they can hate China and fantasize about Balkanizing it.
Re: these particular posts, Reddit has been astroturfed for ages. In addition to oddly-timed posts, the dramatic difference in opinion and tone between large and established vs. and small or newer subreddits is massive. You’ll see polar opposite levels of astroturfing between “worldpolitics” (fashy chauvinist opinions and banning the left on sight) and “fauxmoi” (filled with better opinions that are common among 20-30 year olds). It’s kind of entertaining to explore why zoomers on a gossip subreddit are more politically informed and worldly than the “commenters” on a much larger subreddit dedicated to the topic. A lot of it does seem to be bots and left-punching directives from corporate.
Go cry. If you do it enough, you won’t be reading inconvenient truths.
Keeping in mind that a single axis for progress is reductive: also, don’t forget that there have been and will be backslides. For example, European colonialism set back a lot of progressive / alternative cultures, genociding them or converting them to something that better-served the interests of empire (e.g., race rules).
If you’re not listening to Bambu 24/7 don’t @ me.
Only my tastes matter. Get with the program.
Trans rights or else
I have been owned
But iPhone
CW: how the dairy/meat industry works.
It’s basically the same. The driving factor of mass death in the dairy industry is that to make cows produce milk they’ve gotta get pregnant and calf, so you end up with a bunch of cows that are too old to produce enough milk for market and a big of calves that won’t produce milk, ever.
In the West, those “extra”, “non-productive” animals get killed (the dairy industry is the meat industry). In India, this is still often the case as not everyone is veg and not everyone who’s non-veg avoids beef. But there are enough people that refuse beef for there to be an impetus to follow a “traditional” alternative: you kick the animal out of the dairy for it to fend for itself. In reality, they tend to just starve to death over a long period of time.
For there to be dairy without a culling there would need to be like 30 pet cows for every 1 dairy cow. Assuming the cost of raising the cow is what people pay for, that would mean milk costing 10X more.
Dems voters openly accepting 99% Hitler rather than do literally anything but whine about the people fighting back: