Is there any way to (legally) circumvent the blockade? I know they don’t have access to steam so it’s not like people can buy Cuban games like they can buy Russian games, but is there any other way (short of going there on vacation)?
Is there any way to (legally) circumvent the blockade? I know they don’t have access to steam so it’s not like people can buy Cuban games like they can buy Russian games, but is there any other way (short of going there on vacation)?
I mean they both solve the problem; it’s just one is a Western solution and the other is humanity’s solution.
German Antifa
And of course
Really embracing the national socialism huh?
Hey look, he’s doing the meme
There is like zero chance you or anyone else is going to apply any pressure or even this energy to Biden and Kamala to get them to change course, is there?
It must be nice to not care about horrible things happening to most people. It makes it so much easier when you don’t care about people, right?
Sadly a question you can ask Kopmala and Biden themselves about why they’re not trying to earn back the people whose votes they lost given what Trump’s going to do, but I guess expecting two people to change course is probably infinitely harder than the many, many people who’ve decided not to bother voting.
But I guess those two must be kept safe from critical questions, seeing as no one’s even trying to pressure them into changing course (except of course for the protesters who most likely count among those who won’t be voting). Then again Biden himself isn’t all that concerned about whether or not Trump wins if we’re being honest.
lol, you triggered the bots
And American history always starts today
Shortest fight in the history of-
Actually never mind, Superman lets people pound his face in every fight before putting in some effort.
Jewish culture and history
No one here has a problem with Jewish culture and history, Zionism though we do. Socialist and anarchist settler colonialists are still settler colonialists. Those socialist and anarchists you’re talking about, do they fight alongside Palestinian resistance against the Israeli state? In South Africa for example, there were white people who were sympathetic to the plight of black South Africans and aided the ANC especially in sabotage operations; I haven’t heard of socialist and anarchist Israelis who do the same. There was a guy whose name escapes me who I believe was Jewish, who also fought alongside Che if I recall correctly, who initially supported Zionism, but when he went to Israel and saw what Israel was, he fought alongside the Palestinian resistance (having some trouble finding him; he was posted about here on hexbear). Israelis who support Palestinian resistance absolutely have our support here.
If I recall correctly, the Hagana, Irgun and Lehi brigade eventually became the modern day IDF (literally). Those Nazi worshippers today are an important cultural aspect of Israel, in the form of helping to brainwash Israeli youth, and they’re also remembered as heroes by Israel (and ‘remembered’ as in the very same terrorists back then who are still alive today are remembered. This wasn’t so long ago that it’s beyond living memory). Israelis also usually go out and protest any time a member of the IDF is on trial for murdering a Palestinian.
I’ve basically always thought it would be a funny solution to everyone’s gripe with Hamas to just give them new branding as well and voila, problem solved.
I’ve always thought that if you switch America and Russia/China in most events, it would better fit the narratives.
For example:
America brokered peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
America opened up factories in Afghanistan to provide jobs for the locals who are recovering from a war with China.
America is supporting their ally in Syria and combating terrorists supported by Russia.
Russia went to war with Iraq and killed a million people and destroyed all their infrastructure.
The incarceration rate in China is the highest in the world.
China accused America of spying on them with a weather balloon.
Russia overthrew the Libyan government, spiraling the wealthiest African country into a civil war.
Like seriously, switch the stories around and it better fits the narrative we’re constantly being fed. With the view that libs have of Russia, China and America, events would literally have to play out like this if their view was correct.
How is random gibberish the answer but not 17?
That costs extra.
Considering the price drop it’ll have, I’d move there in a heartbeat.
“The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts”
Depressed people:
Yeah but Ukronazis have been whitewashed, get with the program.
Also Ukrainian Nazism is actually pretty cool, I mean they’re not literally nazis SS Hitler. Sure their greatest hero massacred a ton of Jewish people, and there’s black and white footage of even average Ukrainians participating in pogroms themselves, but there’s nuance man, nuance. You gotta respect the nuance.
“Future military aged males”
I think they’re saying they feel like a resistance hero