Yank tanks truly are the peakest of cringe. I’d be embarrassed to show up in one of those things
“Yank Tank” 😂
Still see plenty of those out in western Canada.
Seeing more and more in Australia as well. Way too big for our roads.
You are just mad u cant afford it on your measly europoor salary. Americans stay winning.
You’re going in my cringe compilation
My penis is too long, so I am not allowed to own such a car.
My car is half as big and still has the same cargo space actually.
Welcome to America, where everyone hates everyone
This is why I drive a small pickup truck, I’m compensating for my quite large penis.
Same. I could only get the small truck and small boat.
Pfff that car ain’t even street legal in my country.
Also, it probably weighs over 3500 kg, so you’ll need a C license to drive it. Fun fact, if you have one of those, you can also drive a huge lorry. Why would you choose an eyesore like that, when you could be a badass rock hauler.
Some dude drives on of those where i live. I’ve never seen it move, it’s always parked on the same spot where it doesn’t fit. Completely with aouthern state flag and stickers that say that only gay cops pull him over and how every car that is not a v8 is for girls. I’d be so embarrassed to drive that thing.
So by his logic a Lamborghini Aventador is for girls.
I hope nothing happens to his tires
The thing I hate the most about my province (Quebec), the passion people have for pickup trucks. It’s a fucking obsession, and it’s a subject that cant even be discussed, the right of owning one of those is almost the first article of our constitution.
I don’t mind passion from a hobby perspective. Some people are passionate about sports, coding, radios, plants, stamps etc. It’s okay to be passionate about cars and trucks, just don’t daily drive these if you want people to respect you. Same with stanced cars.
The problem as I see it is that these modded ones are pushed as still being practical when they are really only big toys. Have you ever noticed that jacked up trucks rarely have caps or toolboxes on the beds? The extra height takes away the utility of the bed and loading/unloading anything is a pain in the ass. They pour all this money into making their truck less useful.
I’ve driven big F-250s for work. They have a time, a place and a purpose. And that is not as a daily driver for most people.
'Round here we call em pavement princess. Drive like they own the place, but never done a day’s work.
Et je commence à voir beaucoup de “coal runner”, ou/et avec des pneus surdimensionné suspension élevé etc… Toutes des modifications illégale mais pourtant t’en vois partout. Sont-ils si riche qu’ils peuvent se payé des contraventions en continu où la police fait rien ?
J’en ai vu un sur le boulevard Pi-IX, le gars a “enfumé” une quunzaine de personnes qui attendaient l’autobus. Sérieux.
Moi aussi je me demandais comment autant de gens peuvent se payer des tanks de même, vu le prix, jusqu’à ce qu’un ami qui travaille en administration m’explique que la plupart des gens qui en ont font juste s’enregistrer une entreprise et le mette dessus. Même pas besoin de faire des vrais affaire avec ton entreprise, tu déclares des revenues négatifs et tu ramasses plein de crédits pour ton char. Bref, c’est nos impôts qui finance les gros chris de pickup du monde.
Ain’t that the truth. I’m constantly fighting this fight in my own city where we only get bike gutters, not even lanes. Complain complain complain from the people who claim they care about the neighborhood.
Is this a trick question?
The obvious choice is the truck. Take the truck and sell it. And then buy a bike, car and down payment on a house.
I’ve actually never had anyone in a monster truck tell me I should buy a monster truck. So…by unfortunate definition…
I’ve had a million people in monster trucks tell me to buy one, you’re point is BS.
“you’re” is an abbreviation for “you are”
You wanted “your point…”
Great job, you fixed an autocorrect error. I hope your waste of half a minute was worth it to add nothing to anyone’s life.
I only commented as you come from a non English speaking instance. It’s a common error in English, so I figured I’d point it out. Were I making a mistake in Dutch I would like such corrections
Don’t worry, this is a Dutch instance, we mostly speak English at C1, C2 proficiency, except when autocorrect is in the game.
Didn’t you want to know that autocorrect had screwed up your good work? (I had to correct three autocorrect/swipe type failures in this comment)
No more cars!!