Well, right now my government (Germany) doesnt have any of my fingerprints.
But the US has all 10 fingers because i visited once.
Well, right now my government (Germany) doesnt have any of my fingerprints.
But the US has all 10 fingers because i visited once.
It reduces the thickness of the cables and improves the balance of loads over all 3 phases.
I already do that, I also have adguard blocking ads on my whole network.
I already had adblock before the whole stupid adblock block. I support the creators I watch, can listen to videos with the screen off, and I also use YT Music, so its a good deal for me.
I can however understand anyone who doesnt want to pay for YT Premium and doesnt want to be blasted by scam ads. Ads shouldnt be this annoying.
I think you forgot the part where capitalism makes peoples life worse and worse, while at the same time conservative media blames the left for it, even if they are the cause.
Because in the End people dont vote for fascists because its funny, but because they believe they can get them out of a shitty situation (Fascism doesnt do that obviously, but people get blinded by propaganda).
We wouldnt have this issue today if politicians werent all neoliberal and actually cared about poor people.
I dont think so, as a German many people dont think that what Israel is doing is right, the government just doesnt want to be (unrightfully) called a nazi by Israel.
As long as the institutions in charge can claim they couldnt do anything about it I wouldnt expect them to fight it too much.
Nowadays VFDs have gotten cheap enough that you can just use one of them to create 3 phases.
Or you just have 3 phase power at home (laughs in Germany).
(I actually dont right now, but my house is one of the last ones not to, and its all already prepared for it)
Seriously, I cant even start to understand why someone would just throw out trash, especially in nature and especially when in a car, its not like you would even have to carry it yourself.
I have ADHD and Autism too and this happens to me as well.
I think the autism makes it harder to understand people with background noise and the ADHD makes me blurt out “huh?”.
After I have already said it, my mind will go over what has been said a few times and try to figure out what could have been said and it will probably figure it out.
In Germany we have hardware stores (is that the right description of stores like home depot?) that have a covered outdoor section where you can drive in with your car/ trailer and load up construction supplies and then pay.
If you are a real professional you probably go to “stores” that only sell building materials to businesses or you just get your materials delivered directly to the job site.
So its possible to properly sort by date?
Alcohol has never killed anyone, its the products our body creates when breaking it down that hurt us.
Maybe, but normally the rural areas arent exploited like colonies, at least not this much.
People from Siberia are also sent to Ukraine in higher rates than people from Moscow.
That is true, until it isnt anymore. At one point Google will become so shitty and other search engines much better, that everyone will start to switch over, but at that point its too late for Google to do anything about it.
But thats somehow beyond the grasp of every shareholder ever (or they plan on selling the stock in a few years anyway).
Because everyone knows what KS and MO mean, especially on a european sub.
You are comparing apples to oranges, Germany also has times where we use 100% renewables.
You cant just compare momentary data to averages
My penis is too long, so I am not allowed to own such a car.
My car is half as big and still has the same cargo space actually.
I know at least one that just occasionally makes videos about ttans stuff
Look at stop signs in France and Quebec, then you know whats up.