Ray parker’s Ghostbusters is inspired by huey lewis and the new’s i want a new drug. But actually it’s just blatant plagiarism. Is it okay because a human did it?
Ray parker’s Ghostbusters is inspired by huey lewis and the new’s i want a new drug. But actually it’s just blatant plagiarism. Is it okay because a human did it?
Remember like in the 2000’s when for some reason a lot of movies were about people in fat suits? What was that all about? Also when it was a woman in a fat suit she was always brave and did a fotoshoot afterwards to show that they are not actually fat and gross.
That’s r/funny
Never underestimate a rice farmer. Ther is probably one right behind you
Bro stop spamming your reddit findings
Is the new funny thing to post screenshots from reddit?
It’s just not the same without the animal suffering and the pig cannibalism.
I miss loud harddrive sounds. Sometimes you thought the pc crashed, and suddenly it would rev up and you’d go:“heck yeah, tubular.”
That’s the guy who crippled him in the first place.
Why are people so prod of that? It’s not hard, it’s not an achievement, it’s just gross and unnecessary. I’m 40 and we just took the hose off to drink.
People started to romanticise myspace as soon as it was gone
I don’t think you should feel guilty if you use it. I’m at a point where i have more enjoyment in finding youtube adblock loopholes than using youtube itself. I don’t have a console but i’d love to find a good adblock/sponsorblock that works on a ps 5
They are more and more just mini pc’s with ads and paid online service.
It depends. I spend so much time with my beat friend that we don’t always have things to talk about. Sometimes we get coffee and just sit around and read or look at shit on our phones.
You don’t get it, it’s reddit funny
I actually made some cash in 8th grade making ringtones. All i did is looking up what buttons to press on the 3210 on the internet. The weird part was that pretty much strangers would just give me their phone over night because i was too lazy to print it out and do it in school. Rumours were around that i had some weird ass set-up at home like deadmau5 to turn axel f into a midi. I was just using altavista and pressed buttons.
I think it’s only possible to understand how weird drinking is when you don’t drink. I quit drinking about 10 years ago and it has just become bormal for me to not drink, think about drinking or miss drinking. But people are so weird about it. “You don’t drink? Like never?” “Just a glass?” “But it’s really good” “just try it.” “You can drink a glass and still drive, you know” “woah, i can’t even IMAGINE not to drink.”
Also you start to see how drinking is just the norm. On tinder for example: “beer or wine?” “Let’s meet on a glas of wine or two.” Women who basically brag that they drink wine every day. Women who tell you how important it is to meet on a drink, or drink and talk, ask you about your favourite wine and it goes on and on. I would go as far as the women i see on tinder who have a profile text, about 3/4 mention their alcohol habits or how they are probably drunk right now.
When i was a kid, there was this lady who lived on my way to school. Dhe had a nice, fenced garden and two huge dogs and like 10 geese. I was never scared of the dogs, vut the geese were vicious. Sometimes they were on the lose and my way home turned into a survival horror game. They never stopped chasing. Dometimes i took some bread with me to throw and run away. One day they were chasing me i ran like a motherfucker around a corner and threw my last breaf. there was this young family with two little kids, and i was so relieved, because that was an easy way to lose them and at the same time i hoped that they were good runners. I honestly don’t even know what would’ve happend if they ever caught me and i’m glad i never found out. I really miss these fuckers.
I’m right, because i’m the gigachad
By that logic, vandals now are plundering ukraine for 2+ years, therefore better?