It also doesn’t show up until after you hover over the thumbnail.
It also doesn’t show up until after you hover over the thumbnail.
I actually find it very nice to get notifications about my toaster oven being preheated or done cooking, or being able to see how much time is left or remotely stop it.
What does the dismiss button do? Or the back button.
Just based on the messages (that could be miss leading) sounds like some features will not work.
Cat owners will know this is actually reversed.
Cats are like HUMAN!! It is 4AM and my food bowl isn’t full.
Don’t let your dreams to be dreams! You can get a basement with two windows!!!
Ahh ok, I miss read your comment.
“Free” as it isn’t the renters responsibility. If something breaks they call the landlord and say fix it.
Obviously the maintenance cost will be baked into the rent cost, or as an added fee as shown in your example.
Value is created by the use of something. If someone is living in a house then it is providing value.
As long as the something is useful it can provide value endlessly.
They do create value. They provide maintenance free housing as well as short term housing (short term as in 1-3 years.) Not everyone wants to stay in the same location for 5+ years. If you move around alot It you want to rent is usually the better option.
Now sure you could argue they are over charging for that service but that doesn’t mean they aren’t providing value.
The only reason why we are having issues is because there is a housing shortage that is raising the price and large companies have taken advantage of this by buying up all the houses at the crazy price and renting them out at crazy rent prices eating up the market for actual people to want to buy a house.
Happiness can lead to a high quality of life. Just as depression can lead to a lower quality of life.
Communism has been feminism all along.
8AM seems perfectly responsible time to start to me. I don’t know about your area but 10AM is when the heat starts around here.
Yeah most of those are in the 80db range.
Maybe an electric or manual push mower could get below that.
Weed Wacker are also pretty loud.
How is he going to steal anyone’s girl in a one seat car?
That is what they are saying.
They are just pointing out the exception. The only way you wouldn’t need to sideload F-Droid is if it happened to be pre-installed on the OS itself.
Isn’t that what side loading is?
My definition of side loading is installing anything outside of an app management system. For example going to a website and downloading the APK and installing it.
Don’t you need to side load F-Droid? That is what I did.
I immediately thought of Technology connections based on that description. I didn’t even remember he did a video on clocks.
Yeah I am way out of practice in my cursive. I can still read it but it wouldn’t come naturally. Cursive was pounded into my head at a young age. Teachers saying we would used it every day in our lives. That was probably true for them but it was certainly not true for me.
The only time I ever use cursive is signing my name. The only time I read cursive is a letter from my grandparents once they pass that would basically be the end of my cursive reading.
Did you just predict unpredictable weather?