Back in the dark times when I was an admin for a very popular website, some very hateful nazis were sharing images of a dead Jewish child and laughing and claimed to be literally jerking off to the image. They claimed she was 9.
So yknow. Not in a hurry to see pics. Just want a trusted source to verify that they exist.
Without knowing for sure if I saw what the topic is about, I saw 3 images released by an Israel news organisation or government I’m not sure. The first image showed a dead infant that didn’t appear beheaded, I really couldn’t tell the cause of death there were possibly shrapnel wounds but the head was blurred and appeared to be attached. The other 2 appeared to be badly burned (blackened) and deformed, my guess would have been burned in a fire or bomb attack. Going off face value they could have been from either side as none of the images were identifiable in any way and none appeared beheaded imo. There may be other photos but I believe these are the ones in question but could be wrong of course.
The one ben shapiro was yelling about was debunked as a burned dog
To everyone getting offended, clearly nobody is asking for pictures of dead baby’s.
Of course war and propaganda go hand in hand, it would just be nice if western media (or the president of the United States for that matter) don’t just blindly copy Israeli propaganda without checking sources.
I am asking for them.
Believe nothing without evidence.
As rowdy as that sounds you are completely correct, it is newsworthy and every war with modern media has had exactly the same because people need to know.
pics or it didn’t happen
The Israeli Prime Minister’s Twitter account has posted them.
Twitter must be really on the ball this time then, because I can’t seem to find any evidence at all.
Learn to use x or whatever it’s called ig
I’m not going to give you an out. You want to claim this shit than post it otherwise you just seem like an Israeli lickspittle
So link?
Didn’t they claim the same duritg the Gulf war, and it turnjd out not to be true?
Repetition legitimises
You don’t just sent pictures of beheaded baby’s into the internet.
- What the fuck
- For an individual it’s even illegal to forward them
- Even dead children have rights, so the parents have to confirm that those pictures can be forwarded into the world, what probably won’t happen.
And also the IDF have officially states that it wasn’t real… so there is that to
Or at least the Israeli news agency should be able to confirm it, else it’s just empty claim like how Putin likes to pull.
Is this now really what constitutes a “meme” on this community? Jesus
There seems to an influx of fuckwits this week in most of the popular communities.
You really shouldn’t follow m/memes, r/memes or any other memes cause personal feelings don’t matter here, just memes.
Israel released the images twelve hours ago, bro. Get out of your tankie echochambers.
tbf, i saw the images and they did not include any beheaded babies.
didn’t it also turn out that those were palestinian babies?
I’ve seen photos of said babies. Look up for groups in WhatsApp or Telegram and you’ll find them.
The most reliable sources lol
You will not find such material through official sources. They are atrocities and should not be circulated for many many good reasons. The photos and videos that do exist are spread around by Hamas themselves who have a sadistic satisfaction in seeing jews, abused, tortured and dead.
I am not talking about the pictures specifically, I am talking about the news as a whole. If it has been confirmed by an independent news agency, that would be an indication, that it might be true.
Uh huh. Sure.
If they actually had the legit pictures they’d be putting it out on every channel possible. It could only help their cause.
So, uh, pics or gtfo.
you mean the photos that the IDF itself says doesn’t exist?
IDF said what now?! Sauce or it’s lies.
Or any other major news outlet.
The laughable hypocrisy of you asking for a source while spouting sourceless claims is some peak Internet shit.
Source: Just trust me bro
Then link them or be an Israeli lickspittle
Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack
Link them or stop spreading misinformation
Link? I looked for proof and the only thing i have found is shrapnel and charred babies.
Even Blinken said he has only seen those.
Seems like the propaganda got you friend
No they didn’t. See sources in replies. Hamas’ attack at the music festival was awful, bar none. But that doesn’t mean you should blindly believe IDF war propaganda being used to further oppress and disenfranchise the Palestinian people.
There’s literally a genocide going on against them. They live in an apartheid state where they have essentially no rights. Hamas doing bad stuff does not mean that state funded genocide campaigns against Palestinians are OK. The propaganda is meant to legitimize the violence against civilians.
They also have sleeper cells and weapons of mass destruction!!
Seymour! Gaza’s on fire!
Isn’t Real steams a good ham.
deleted by creator
Zionist propagandists will do whatever it takes to control the narrative