A pizza is larger than two of another just before it hits 1.5 times the radius (sqrt 2 times, to be exact, about 1.41). So if the radius is 1.5 times bigger, like in the OP, you always know it’s more than twice the area.
A pizza is larger than two of another just before it hits 1.5 times the radius (sqrt 2 times, to be exact, about 1.41). So if the radius is 1.5 times bigger, like in the OP, you always know it’s more than twice the area.
Isn’t the point that you don’t have a choice to just buy a house, because there are obstacles that prevent it. In the same way, I don’t have a choice to use Linux or whatever other foss alternative to the stuff I use daily because my laptop is owned by the company I work for and their policies dictate that it runs windows etc.
Here’s a fun fact I just learned!
It’s fairly well known nowadays that lemmings do not, in fact, follow one another off cliffs to their deaths. The myth has been persistent for many years, and was notably perpetuated by Disney in their documentary White Wilderness, which showed lemmings apparently diving from a cliff to their deaths. Truly though, these lemmings had been flown half way across the world and were thrown from the cliffs by the documentary’s producers.
In the UK we use metric and imperial so you can buy things in kilos but also measure your efficiency in MPG. Welcome to the island of the future/past.
100%, all I really want is something I can look at and perhaps sensibly chuckle at when I have a few minutes… Not a pasasitic brain worm that really wants me to pay attention to it.
And -5 farenheit is… just a bit colder than fuck? I understand what temperatures I start feeling cold perfectly well in Celsius, I know roughly when I’ll need a jacket, when I’ll need a hat and scarf… Farenheit tells me nothing because I don’t know about it. Sure, 0 is very cold, but where is “cold enough to wear a jacket”? It’s most likely never going to reach 0°F where I live, and it won’t reach 100°F outside of very rare summer days… Beyond those extremes it’s not useful to me because I don’t know it.
Series one maybe, two was a bit of a mess imo. I didn’t even understand what the stakes were until everything started turning into noodles.
Kooyanisqatsi is wild, well worth watching. Probably on psychedelics.
Cum is used (at least in British English) to mean “with” or “also used as”, e.g. basement-cum-bedroom would be a basement that is also a bedroom. Not, in fact, a basement bedroom where you do all your masturbating.
Are they really defining one slang term using two other slang terms?
C&H is to sociology & psychology what XKCD is to science & technology.
I assume that people are reading this buny as in bunny but I can’t help but hear buny as in puny in my head
Consider replacing one of your kidneys.
I would say considering homo sapiens have been around for ~250,000 years we need a lot of decimal places… if you want to consider prior homo species that’s 2.8 million years and honestly you might as well call it 100%.
That’s exactly the kind of niche goods that it makes sense to stock primarily in warehouses and ship out by post. Most people don’t even know what a KVM switch is lol, I didn’t when I first read this and I own one!
I absolutely agree that local shops closing is a bad thing, but for a lot of niche goods companies like Amazon are a good thing. Delivery by one vehicle is far more efficient than everyone driving their own vehicle to whatever niche shop has your stuff. Don’t get me wrong, Amazon is 100% a big evil corporation with huge problems… but the fact that they deliver goods to your house is not the problem lol. Doubly so since you can designate a day for them to deliver and just be in on that day!
I am horrified by the number of people who will leave animal excrement just sitting in their damn house for many hours. Makes me wonder about those times when I’ve been to someone’s house that has that je ne sais quoi cat scent lingering in the air.
No, you probably don’t remember the crappy ones from when you were a kid, but they were there. Survivorship bias.