Look, I love spaghettification porn as much as the next guy, but Loki was a mess. The story was gobbldygook. I could not see any good interpretation of all the stuff about purifying non-übermensch timelines. The Wilson / Hiddleston chemistry was great, really that’s the only reason to keep watching.
Meanwhile, Loki is the best MCU content to date.
Look, I love spaghettification porn as much as the next guy, but Loki was a mess. The story was gobbldygook. I could not see any good interpretation of all the stuff about purifying non-übermensch timelines. The Wilson / Hiddleston chemistry was great, really that’s the only reason to keep watching.
Series one maybe, two was a bit of a mess imo. I didn’t even understand what the stakes were until everything started turning into noodles.