They are explicitly complaining that there are several users posting content they don’t enjoy.
Don’t you know the entire fediverse is supposed to be cultivated to PatFussy’s personal taste?
Now over at
They are explicitly complaining that there are several users posting content they don’t enjoy.
Don’t you know the entire fediverse is supposed to be cultivated to PatFussy’s personal taste?
His nervous sweating is so precious.
And that thing where you’re reading something, and you know you read the words, but none of them “stick” and now you have to re-read the whole thing to figure out where you got lost.
Joke’s on you! I’m too lazy to fake anything!
I’m even too lazy to
I gotta tell ya, the only fascists I’ve met (who share their opinion in front of me) are online. All the ones I meet in day-to-day life are smart enough to keep their opinions to themselves.
In fact, I would much rather live in a community where a wholesome, humming orb would be a welcome sight. If people report every single ominous orb that they see, why, there would be less majesty in this world. That sounds like the kind of austere, silent community that Desert Bluffs wants to be, and do we really want that to be the place we call home, dear listener?
Wow. Nice to meet you, Cecil. Big fan. Please don’t ask me to work as an intern.
Something one might propose to build in Night Vale.
Hey. Put that shit away. I’m not experiencing a “bias” because I tried to confirm something I saw in an image macro before I got into a diatribe.
Are you okay? I’ve never seen you be this pissy on the fediverse before.
E: And because apparently it bears saying, even though I never indicated otherwise, fuck Peta. Seriously don’t know how “please make sure the thing you’re arguing about is worth arguing about” made me a Peta apologist. I’ve literally never met anyone, even online, who liked that organization.
What I find shocking is you assumed the “before” image wasn’t shopped!
I went looking for evidence it was real and just found a bunch of people claiming it was from 2008, no snopes article (which shocked me) and a bunch of people on reddit saying it was teal but very outdated and to argue about something recent.
But both of y’all saw a post that was edited and treated the “before” as real. Remarkable
That’s how I was able to recognize it!
To be fair covid sucks. I’m still exhausted all the time.
It’s so weird. It plays more like they’re in a relationship but they both have a sibling incest kink!
Actually if you watch it with that in mind it’s weirdly wholesome. You do you, freaks. Glad you found each other.
…now off to call my boyfriend “bro” and see what happens.
E: I said, “I’m gonna take a nap, bro,” and he looked confused and told me that was a good idea (since we have Pathfinder later). Guess it’s not his thing!
“Some reason”
The reason being that anyone who has siblings and watched that commercial thought they acted like lovers, not siblings.
Now we called them demotivationals because they were made in reaction to motivationals, which were all the rage in Shelbyville. And one demotivational was worth ten motivationals. ‘Gimme one for the ten,’ you’d say, and you would post your motivationals so the wizards of memes could photoshop them, or you might say “shop.” Which was the style at the time.
You could always tell a shop from some of the pixels, or from seeing quite a few shops in your time. Whichever was easier.
(I put way more effort into this than it called for.)
I’m white. I have blue eyes. And when I was young, my hair was red. I was working retail, and this old lady said “Merry Christmas.”
Me: “Happy Holidays!”
Her: “It’s Merry Christmas. I know your boss doesn’t like it, but you should say it to me. So Merry Christmas.”
Me: “Are you Christian?”
Her: “Yes.”
Me: “Well, I’m not. So Happy Holidays.”
She got so stunned, like I’d slapped her. I was quite ready to get called in for being some kind of way with a customer but I guess she was too afraid of dealing with a heathen. Still, if you’ve ever worked retail, you’d know why this felt like a victory.
The thing about this is, you’re saying you have a small dick, but this is big dick energy for real.
Maybe someone needs to come up with a better name for it because it’s a very real phenomenon and most of us know exactly what it’s referring to.
I always thought this but with the added twist that the Devil didn’t actually lose. He chose to “lose” because he didn’t want Johnny humbled. He wanted Johnny and all that pride to go across earth challenging anyone to believe they could be so good as to beat the Devil, inspiring more pride.
As a Southern gal myself, I got whiplash from the implication that people sayin “fixin” are trying to sound important.
I promise, among those of us who say that kinda thing, it’s seen as a mark of ignorance and bein low class in general. The idea that a hillbilly accent can seem “important” is banana sandwiches to me.