I put an orange in my cat and was arrested for animal cruelty. double standards much?
I put an orange in my cat and was arrested for animal cruelty. double standards much?
have you been getting the cancer vids too?
i was worried the algorythm had caught something i hadnt.
and it’s youtubers i had never previously watched
the world is on fire and we should probs do something about that
I wasn’t given a say in where my parents bought their house while i was in primary school
depends where you live.
if i had to get public transport where i used to live i would have to leave two hours before work
if you dont play games that use anticheat you’re probs okay.
most everything else either works with proton out the box or with some small tweaks.
protondb is the best resource for linux gaming imo
i find the best solution to this problem is to install linux
extra funny when you realise a most of the ground work for the shit state the economy is in was laid under trump
i heard someone talking about “Bidenflation” today
Couldnt have sounded dumber if he tried
depends on the job, there’s plenty of roles you can do only in the morning or only in the afternoon, or only in the first half of the week/last half
it would be alright if it were two part time jobs that added up to full time work but i bet it’s not.
at least then if you get fired from one for no reason you still have half your income stream
one could argue that you are being paid in free content
i actually thought i would go take a look at threads. when i tried to log in on my PC it told me i had to download the app on my phone before it would let me log in with the account they already apparently created for me.
so i left and havent been back
tbf, i saw the images and they did not include any beheaded babies.
By the time i got out of customer service i was getting a lot of complaints about how little it sounded i cared. (I didn’t)
cant get much else craft beer wise where i live.
i like a porter ale but theres only like one shop that does one.
Stouts are nice but guinness is overplayed. Brewdog have released a stout that seems to be doing well though, but i like variety
My dads Merc says “please” when it’s giving you directions.
winds me up to no end.
i want the instructions to be as low bandwidth as possible.
depends what kind of hundreds. hundreds of peasants can be ignored.
hundreds of ministers cannot