Nothing beats ISO 8601, YYYY-MM-DD
RFC 3339! ISO 8601 has way too many weird formats that are allowed like today would be 2023-W41-2. See for example here.
I feel offended - W%W-%w is my preferred way of noting down dates :D
Whoa, that’s a cool website!
It’s really pleasing seeing the seconds all change in unison!
Great, now I need to memorize “RFC 3339”, because I officially have a new favorite date format. Thank you!
Fortunately this one is easy:
three threes equals 9 3339
RFC 3339 when you need the basics, ISO 8601 when you need something more niche. Some applications genuinely need to view the year as weeks and days of the week instead of months and days of the month.
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Well, the standard provides various formats, such as YYYY-\WWW.
BCE or AD?
Does the T just signify that Time starts after it? I’ve never really examined the full UTC format, YYYY-MM-DD has always been enough for my uses.
The T stands for the timezone.
Aaaah that makes a lot of sense.
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I am fine with any format that puts the month between year and day.
This is the way.
The most logical format, especially for digital files.
This is the way.
Put the most significant digits first. Always.
- alphabetical order = chronological order
- unambiguous regardless of locale
- easy to read/parse by either machine or human
My head hurts
I remember in high school a friend waited until 10/10/10 to ask a girl out so he’d never forget their anniversary. I think they dated for like a month lol
10/10 plan
10 percent of the time it works 10 percent.
Let me guess, instead of asking out another girl on 11/11/11 he played Skyrim?
In my opinion that game aged quite poorly.
Revolutionary when it came out, nearly unplayable now though. It’s like a modern Goldeneye.
It’s not a bad idea, that’s why I got married on 2/14 so I wouldn’t get stuck having to have an extra gift giving holiday.
i’ll say it time and time again:
This format is shit and makes no sense
No no, he got married in the 14th month of the year which doesn’t exist, so there wouldn’t ever be an anniversary
I unironically asked myself what happened in February of 2014 at first lmao
How does it make no sense? I read 2/14 as “February 14th”. How do you read 14/2?
Fourteenth of February? Just like Fourth of July.
that’s…more words, and more thought, it’s only the 4th of July because it’s a holiday preceding July 5th and following July third.
You know, there are other languages besides English as well
Yeah but God wrote the Bible, the Constitution, and the Star-Spangled Banner in English, so that means it’s God’s language. Y’all can suck our Freedom!
It’s just one more syllable, or one word(no s, because it’s not plural). People prefer to say dou ble u dou ble u dou ble u instead of world wide web, and that’s even more syllables. It’s also arranged in a neat way, from day to month to year.
it’s only the 4th of July because it’s a holiday preceding July 5th and following July third.
That’s the issue i guess, you guys jump from one format to another and then back and that’s considered normal🤷
2nd of Dodecember
2nd of Dodecember
I find it hilarious that the imaginary 14th month gets to be called “12th” because (ostensibly) the early Romans couldn’t be bothered to have winter months.
Vierzehnter Februar
Fourteenth February
In most contexts, “/” means something like “(out) of”, and “14 of 2” makes a lot more sense than “2 of 14” when describing the fourteenth of February (or February fourteenth, as you would say it).
Pretty weak reasoning. It just as often “or” like this/that. If not more— who’s actually looking at fractions that often? I’d argue the punctuation attached to that specific date format shouldn’t be the basis for the order itself, and dashes or periods are common too.
The better reasoning is that the day is typically more relevant than the month. A downside though is that it’s bad for sorting: YYYY-MM-DD is the best way to automatically sort by date, and ease in digital sorting is arguably the most important factor in date formatting. It’s kind of a silly thing that people don’t care about outside of memes otherwise.
New Zealand: It’s the fucking eleventh!
gotta love seeing everyone else celebrating something about the date that we are already done with
Too late, it’s 11/10/2023 in au now
How are you in november already?!?!? ^/s
Nobody woke him when September ended.
I don’t get why more people don’t go biggest to smallest. Makes so much more sense. Especially when listing dates in order. YYYY/MM/DD
ISO 8601, BABY!
That’s how it’s done in chinese. Imo DD/MM/YYYY is better though, since in practice the year is most commonly just the current year and isn’t nearly as important as the day or month.
Not only that but it is different enough with the year in front that you can assume MM/DD is next. With the other two MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY you are stuck relying on context to fully know what format someone is using. (Unless the day in question is greater than 12.)
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I would object on general principles, but…
It ain’t wrong lol.
It kinda is, not everyone uses the / as separator. In Germany it’s 10.10. for example
I use “-” as the separator usually, but I think they are about equivilant
Damn it! I am one day late.
10 out of 10 out of 23 are like 100%
Indonesian here, it’s October 11th here.
Not just Americans
But pretty much just Americans
Unix people today : “NICE NICE”
Unix people today from 20:28:10 to 20:28:20 GMT : “NICE NICE NICE NICE”
Also looks better if you interpret it as a score than, say, a 9/11.
What happened on the 9th of November?
Late, but 10/10 is my birthday - since I was born in Europe, raised in the US and now live in the UK, I’ve never had a problem writing my birthday correctly!
I know I’m very late now, but happy birthday!
Thank you!