TOR and VPN at once is just dumb and probably less secure than just using TOR.
TOR and VPN at once is just dumb and probably less secure than just using TOR.
The English “Yo” is a really good translation. You can use it to express surprise (“Alter! Wtf!” - “Yo! Wtf!”) or to address someone (“Alter, was geht?” - “Yo, whats up?”).
“Yo” really is the best translation I can think of.
So you propose an anarchy? I dont think that would go well.
Oh yes, generalizing. At least you didnt write any racist jokes (yet)…
Thats true but they also usually contain things like the pictures hash so as long as you have the file you can always claim it (even if the hyperlink becane invalid).
The point was that if you had access to it, you could do some bad stuff but you wont ever have access to it.
You cant have access to the blockchain so you couldnt change anything. Saying “if i had access to the blockchain,…” is like saying “if I had access to your stuff, I could steal it”. Yeah, thats right but that doesnt mean anything…
In theory If you had access to the block chain and another picture you can just change the picture stored at that point
In theory if you had access to your bank’s safe you could just take out money.
Well, you dont.
Its like buying gold on the stock market pretty much. You cant have it in your hands but you still own it and it has value
They are actually not hyperlinks, more like certificares of ownership over a picture (or a “token”, as the name suggests)
Yeah well we dont have any of those conditions and it would make sense to make oue life conditions harder or to lower the population density so drastically so this meme doesnt make any sense
You can also invent better ways to do things under capitalism. There is no difference in that regard
capitalism has them pay to be an inventor
I live in a capitalist country with free education. Healthcare is free if you cant afford it and is always a percentage of your income otherwise. Housing and food is also free if you cant afford it.
I have trouble seeing why capitalism is supposedly so bad
Inventor: invents something Capitalism: rewards him
Inventor: invents something communism: *cricket noises"
You first look into the direction the cara are coming from (left in your case) and wait until you can cross the road. Then you check the other side just in case and while crossing the street, you look in the direction the cars are coming from again just in case something crazy happens.
If you look right first and then left, there night be cars coming from the left in which case you’d have to wait until they pass, then look right and then left while crossing the road. So your proposal would lead to one extra “looking to the side” if there happened to be a car coming.
The upvote ratio on this comment (which is at 15up to 15down currently) is in no way representative of Lemmy. At best its representative of this specific community (
Whats your point? I explained why I find capitalism to be a fair system and further elaborated on what I concidered “fair”. What are you trying to say or are you just trolling?
Im not wealthy by any means, though the wealth cant be the deciding factor, can it?
If Im a student with a savings plan (one where you put aside money every month and invest it [not sure if thats the correct Engkish term]) so it grows over time, am I a capitalist in your opinion?
The raw materials of trade and production are fixed quantities so any profit must come from paying the worker less than their labor produces.
The finished product is worth more than what their labour produces, otherwise they could just sell the product themselves. Because the organization, strategy, marketing and the needed capital for all of that are values in itself.
A quick question about that trading example, as far as I know market manipulation is illegal so using that to your advantage wouldnt worky right?
You can do what you like but you asked me how to get people working for you so I made a proposal.
Do you actually have a point or are you just being ridiculous because you have no arguments?
The NSA uses TOR themselves. Why would they even want it to be insecure?