This might help:
A farty poo is better than a pooy fart!
Up your fiber intake. Eat something that will hold your shit together, have some metamucil if your can’t add enough fiber in your food.
Soluble fiber. Beans, nuts, seeds. These slow digestion as you mention and feed gut microbes.
Insoluble fiber, for many, do the opposite and generate gas in the upper GI tract. Stuff like cabbage, kale, etc.
Get your shit together!
Get your poop in a group
The cotton candy in your attic is full of fiber
It’s also full of mesothelioma.
As long as it was in the toilet and not in your pants, you’re coming out ahead.
Stop running while pooing jfc
Do you think cross country marathoner poo on the run?
Tough times never lasts.
Only tough men last
Fix your meme my guy
Why would he be taking down a zero just to put up another zero?
Have you considered paying the doctor a visit?
It’s this part that’s usually the obstacle.
Nothing a clue-by-four can’t handle!
But seriously, parasites, infections, Crohn’s disease… you really don’t want to leave it like that.A very significant portion of people leave those exact ailments unchecked specifically because a single doctors visit means bills and groceries are unable to be paid.
I got my Crohn’s diagnosis about 3 years ago. While it has been worth it, the amount I have spent on medication, procedures, doctor’s visits, etc has kept my credit card near its limit for years and is a constant source of anxiety. This is with decent insurance. I have a job that is flexible with hours, but between flare ups and infusions, I have to miss work semifrequently and someone not in my position could be in a very tenuous state with their employer. Not to mention the stress of fighting the insurance for coverage of medications that are thousands of dollars per dose and dealing with systemic incompetence of the people involved in every stage of the process. They all fail (doctor’s office, infusion clinic, insurance, etc) to communicate in anything resembling a timely manner without my constant pestering and prodding. It is torturous, and only marginally better than the symptoms themself, and I understand exactly why people forego treatment if they have deal with any one of these issues individually, let alone with all of them. Just so BCBS/UHC/etc can turn a profit off our suffering.
Man I am so sad to hear that
It sucks and makes dealing ith the illness so much worse. Ironically, stress is a trigger for Crohns/UC and the stress of dealing with this has been responsible for multiple flareups of mine. Luckily, a lifeline might be on the horizon for autoimmune disorders like Crohns, Celiacs, and MS
A new (anti?)vaccine is being tested that can rewrite the immune system to take the body’s normal, healthy cells off its kill list. Fingers crossed that before I turn 35 I can just be done with this horseshit before it causes any lasting damage to my insides
I’ll honestly hope for the best for you!
“Hmm Idk, it’s just IBS… Sorry. That will be 500$ pls”
Your doctor experience in a nutshell.
I’m seeing some literal shitposts on lemmy and I don’t like it. Like this and the one with the pig. Are there zoomers in the audience who got completely brainfucked by trash on YouTube Kids?
Please stop.
The pig one is stalinists
Haha tbh I was gonna post on ! but it was giving an error.