I mean it’s Hallmark, is anything really of consequence?
I mean it’s Hallmark, is anything really of consequence?
Is that why he grieved for lost Lenore, he couldn’t find another who insisted on never more, just enough.
Except when a lady friend wants a big dick, then all the big dick energy in the world isn’t going to do a lick of good, that’s when you have to bring out the lick of good.
I know it isn’t food safe but it is 10 mins or less and if you are cooking it as ground meat and you break down cook it fully then you are pretty unlikely to have bacteria issues. I wouldn’t do it to a roast where the outside is going to be defrosted way longer than the center.
Also the best thing is to freeze ground meat in thin layers, like one pound in a large Ziploc so it is less than 3 cm thick and defrosts fast without the hot water.
The fastest way, like 15 mins is to take the sealed package of frozen meat and put it in a container with hot but not boiling water. The meat will act like an ice cube, cooling down the water and other than the very center of the meat it will be ready to cook right away. This is really only good for ground meats because you can fry, flip, and scrape off the frozen center bit while browning the rest of the meat. Still better than microwave defrosting.
If you don’t have to work 40+ hours a week at a job to make sure they don’t fire you to and lose your health insurance and possibly bankrupt your family then you get to have a better work-life balance.
If they are in too many parts you’re going to need a shovel.
What’s the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and a truckload of dead babies?
You can use a pitchfork on the babies.
There are artisan blacksmiths that probably make bank doing custom jobs like blades and ironwork gates and other such artistry.
Then it is Slaw, rather than Coldslaw.
Sounds like someone is failing upwards.
A diamond store in Canada has horrible ads with a man screaming in them. (all Canadians know who I am talking about already) I turn their ads off or switch radio stations when I hear them. If I was going to buy diamond jewellery I would go out of my way to buy from the store that is the furthest away from any of there stores even if it cost more. I would buy any mineral other than diamonds though.
Use a cart, if your back gets thrown out by lifting a corpse you won’t be digging a deep enough hole to keep the dogs away.
No one needs to have a dog walker finding your business in the woods.
He probably also doesn’t want to need glasses in court so he has the biggest screen so each sentence can be in font size 48 and still fit on one screen.
More than likely there isn’t anything on the screen unless the lawyers put something on for him to say which he will ignore anyways.
Corpse and puppy fight over attention of barely described placeholder.
Other than the normal front shots of the statue, I have never looked at the other angles. I never realized David was from David and the Goliath story and that he had a sling on his back.
I figured it was just some guy named David that has a lot of money and got his statue made and it was famous for who made it.
It doesn’t hurt in the short term but in the last 23 years I have worked night shift in some form for 16 years. The living a day life will catch up to you eventually.
I have severe central sleep apnea so my sleep has never been normal and I find that it actually helps because I don’t get any sort of jet lag and I can sleep anytime as long as I have my machine to keep me breathing.
Lots of studies show cancer and diabetes rates are higher in night shift workers but obviously there isn’t a specific cause, just knowing that it is a higher likelihood means you should keep an eye out for the signs and try to prevent it by eating right when you can.
The key to night shift is consistency. I do night shift year round for nearly 9 years with this most recent job. I sleep 3pm to 10pm every work day and eat my meals at 11pm,3am and 10am.
I found over the years that the people who couldn’t handle it were still trying to live a day life on night shift. They would try to get through with a short nap in the morning and another one just before work then try and fail to catch up on the weekend. They would eat breakfast lunch and dinner at home then have another meal at work so they were overeating and gaining weight or getting diabetes.
This sounds like a longshoreman I know that plays on his laptop all shift while doing first aid attendant shifts.
Probably because no one would take Eddie Cruz or Raph Cruz seriously.