There is this book/movie called “Tomorrow, when the War began” about Australia getting invaded by a pan asian military force and I just love the idea that a bunch if Asian countries all get over millennia of grudges and rivalry just to majorly fuck over Australia
"Russians be like
1 Hungarians"?
I love Satisfactory but scrolling through a longer list of items can be a real pain. Scrolling with the mouse wheel feels incredibly slow and clicking the wheel once and then moving the the cursor down simply isn’t an option
So I’m often forced to resort to dragging the scroll bar manually, just like people in medieval times did
“Please, Mr. Hands was my father. Call me Geoff”
Unfortunately, neither vanilla nor coffee beans are actual beans
I don’t think I remember that episode of Archer
A medical emergency? What is it?
Nobody who says “lol” is actually “laughing out loud”
We should do something before those unalive fuckers get any ideas of grandeur. I say we go to our local cemetery and kill those dead bastards
I laughed at this. Not just blowing air out of my nose but actual sounds-coming-from-my-mouth laughed
Every piece of new technology is impossible until it suddenly isn’t anymore
I don’t get it. Hot Dog Donut? Sausage bread? Sweet and sav- OH GOD, I GET IT! HOW DO I UNGET IT?
If you wanna get technically, according to Richard Dawkins, author of The Selfish Gene (1976) which first coined the term “meme”, a meme is "a unit of culture—such as “tunes, ideas, catch‐phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or building arches.”
So yes, your post would count as a meme, but so would pegging
McDonald’s has grown fat from it’s success. It doesn’t know what struggle tastes like. Perhaps it never knew.
Burger King, the eternal second, the perpetual last born does. If I fall in the mud, Ronald wouldn’t help me up and risk getting his hands dirty. But the King? He would jump right in with me for he is not afraid to just put three different kind of meet between a bun and call it a burger.
Also When They Capitalize Every God Damn Word Like This!
Sometimes you need to see the whole thing to get the message
Roughly 7 million large boulders the size of a small boulder